Eubert Angel Swindled Me $300,000: Court Papers
12 December 2014
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Eubert Angel with ZANU PF's Psychology Maziwisa
Eubert Angel with ZANU PF’s Psychology Maziwisa

Spirit Embassy church founder Eubert Madzanire(aka Angel) has been taken to court over allegedly swindling a Harare man his $300,000 expensive bentley car.
The man, Mr Mr Ndabazinengi Shava, a businessman, is demanding his bentley donated to the prophet on the promise that he would reap threefold and yet a year later, he is “still the same and nothing has happened.”
Shava through his lawyers Chinyama and Partners, filed summons at the High Court seeking the immediate release of the black Bentley registration number ACO1759.
He also seeks an order declaring him the legitimate owner of the vehicle.
According to the plaintiff’s declaration, Angel last year convinced Mr Shava to surrender the vehicle as a way of sowing a seed into his life.
He was assured of reaping three times the value of the Bentley, which was worth $300 000.
It was also a condition of the promise that Mr Shava would realise the harvest eight months after delivering the vehicle to the prophet.
Mr Shava, according to the promise, was entitled to taking the vehicle back if he failed to reap the promised harvest within the stipulated period.
“It was a further term of the arrangement between the parties that should the seed fail to germinate, the plaintiff was free to pick up his vehicle and at all material times the vehicle remained the property of the plaintiff,” reads the declaration.
Mr Shava now feels Prophet Angel defrauded him.
“Contrary to the defendant’s promise, a period in excess of one year has since lapsed with the seed not having germinated and the plaintiff has realised that the representations made to him by the defendant were fraudulent misrepresentations aimed at defrauding the plaintiff of his motor vehicle . . .
“At the time of making these misrepresentations to the plaintiff, the defendant was in his sober senses and not under any spirit at all and he knew that what he was promising to the plaintiff was not the truth and will never come to pass,” reads the declaration.
It is Mr Shava’s argument that despite surrendering the vehicle to Prophet Angel, ownership was never changed and claims to be the legitimate owner of the property.
Prophet Angel was still to respond to the summons that were filed at the High Court on Thursday.

25 Replies to “Eubert Angel Swindled Me $300,000: Court Papers”

  1. @ Nyatate I realy like yo words of advice. I am also surprised by these pple who say u must give them some money in the name Of God and in turn you will be given 6th fold kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk these are jst lies. Magumhagumha aya. Makandiwa, Magaya an Eubert magumhamagumha akangwara.


  3. MajorX this guy was not giving because he wanted to, but because he was being duped by the prophet because he had envied the car. Thats why people were saying the prophet is driving a new Bentley and he was being mobbed. So this guy wants his car because he had not given it to the church.

  4. But this is what these prophets are telling their people Nyatate, and funny enough the people believe everything they are told. God can not be bribed with material things, if you give $1000 you will get $3000 back! hahahahahaha dai ikasa dzoka mota iyoyo then he will be the first to tell the rest that there is no such thing before GOD.

  5. I need help? Why, ofcourse I do. Don’t we all? I doubt I’d get it from the the god who pretends to love us then mutilates us gratuitously. But anyway I do believe its plausible that there exsists cosmic forces (‘superbeings’ if you like) with power and appearance beyond the limit of man’s imagination. We know so little about our universe. As for a ‘god’ who has to love and care for us, I’m not so convinced.


  7. He is the Most High God. All power and glory belong to Him.He is Creator of all that is. He was , He is and He is yet to come.
    Word of caution- God is not mocked by mere mortals like you.
    My prayer is that like the biblical Saul, may you experience a power filled supernatural encounter with Him such that your life will be changed forever , and you will never ever be the same again. In Jesus’ name I pray amen.

  8. Mr Long needs help, take a moment and think about this. Think about your own existence. The way you body functions all the organs no man can ever recreate another human being from nothing, that is why we believe there is God out there. Man has only been able to study the human body but cannot create it himself. If you cannot wrap your brain to understand that there is a greater force above us I don’t know what can convince you. You need a prayer brother.

  9. I’m actually no atheist but agnostic. However making fun of fundamentalists like yourself gives me kicks! Really though, if you’ve never come across an atheist, you should probably concider getting out of the tiny box you are living in. Probably explains the fundamentalist world view. Good day

  10. The God of the Old-Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it, a pity, unjust, unforgiving, control freak. A vindictive, blood thirsty, ethnic cleanser. A misogynistic, homophobic, racist. Infanicidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent, bully.

  11. Wasu, phsycologicaly ‘god’ has all the attributes of a dumb fat kid giggling as he burns ants with a magnifying glass. Its all laid bare in a colossal fiction piece we call ‘the bible’…

  12. I had never in my life, until today, witnessed the existence of a satanist. This Long John fellow is the devil reincarnate. How can you be this blasphemous? I may be a sinner but to deny the existence of the Almighty is some thing I never aspire to do, for there is evidence even before you enter a church, that the Almighty is undoubtedly in existence. Miracles which you seek from fallible men of cloth are given to us every day by God, the rains we have today, the life we live and nature itself are manifestations of Gods existence. When some one passes on do you ever wonder where they shall have gone to and where you shall also go to when the inevitable beckons?
    I am the least qualified to ask you to repent Long John, for I am also a sinner, but to deny the existence of God is the worst kind of sin ever to be committed.

  13. That money we donate in Churches is not suppose to be misused by these so called prophets, the real true Prophets gives it all back to the poor Nd they heal people for free AMEN. Messenger Of God

  14. God exist and that God is Jesus Christ our Father. I would advice not to insult God. All if not most of these Church leaders are abusing those tithes. That money is supposed to be given back to the poor, all of it. Prophets should be doing the work of God without benefiting themselves. They are feeding themselves instead of feeding the flock which are the elderly, lame, blind and the poor in general. The day of Judgement is coming. AMEN Messenger Of God

  15. Psalm 14 :1 ” The fools says in his heart, there is no God.” Rom 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God is on His throne reigning forever, whether you like it or not. He is sovereign and at the end of it all , He shall sit on the judgement throne. Seek Him whilst He can still be found. The choice is yours . Choose life over eternal death.

  16. if it was such an agreement, then why doesnt he just pick his vehicle back? handiti arikuti ownership never changed? saka whay is the court necessary apa? kana arikunetsa all he needs is a police escort kunotora mota.
    that said, i wonder how someone sits down and draws such an agreement with a fellow human being kuti ‘God will give u so much by this date provided u give this much now’. honestly, does God operate that way? i believe God gives out of abundance of His heart, not because you have given this much. you cant make a deal with God kuti ndikaisa pakadai mondipawo pakadai. isnt that ridiculous??

  17. Yes God Bless you brother people should give directly to the poor, widows, orphans, homeless and to anyone that asks you for help. These greedy prophets are now feeding themselves instead of feeding the sheep. God shall take away everything from them and cast them into everlasting fire. AMEN. Messenger Of God

  18. ‘God’ is the CHIEF swindler in all this! Kkk. If only he existed, he could be held accountable

  19. Prophets for profits????? Most of the church does not understand tithing. It is probably one of the most mis=taught subjects in the bible. Give to the widow, the orphan, the poor, the needy and you will not go wrong. Many of our Zimbabwean churches are putting people under bondage to tithe and bring guilt upon their flocks?? Nowhere in the NT does it say give you ministry to greedy ministers, church buildings and all the trappings and fancy lives for high profile church leaders. No where!! The apostles received money for the needy in the church and sometimes for the apostles ministry although Paul had his own tent making business so he wouldn’t burden the church. We are being duped, conned and fed wrong teaching. Wake up church. Jesus NEVER said go and build a building. He told His Apostles to build the church which is spiritual only and built on the foundation which is Christ Himself. What are we doing???

  20. kkkkkkkk, use your faith buddy. If you donated it believing in God then there is no problem. Problem with Christians is that they dont read the bible themselves and they dont understand the concept of giving and the manner God instructs us to do it. Read Psalms 50. Giving its an act of faith, and act of worship

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