Mugabe Appoints ‘Grade7 DropOut’ Muchinguri to Head Ministry of Tertiary Education
12 December 2014
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muchinguri750PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE yesterday added scorn to his name by appointing uneducated former ZANU PF Women’s League leader Oppah Muchinguri to head the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development.
Oppah Muchinguri last month caused embarrassment for the First Family when she confidently and elaborately vocalised that Robert Mugabe marked his wife’s PhD thesis in what academics charge is further reflective of her limited intellect and shocking ignorance of academic procedures. Sources say her shocking intellectual poverty shows she is “a Grade7 Drop-Out” who has only built a reputation using ‘cheap’ political muscle. A sitting University of Zimbabwe lecturer has revealed that the institution regularly artificially graduates “important people” like Muchinguri and Grace Mugabe.
Besides releasing a long list of new ministers(listed below) , Mugabe has revealed his appointment of Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko as Vice Presidents of the Republic of Zimbabwe
This portfolio was held by the late Vice President and national hero John Landa Nkomo.
In terms of Section 104 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Amendment Number 20 of 2013, that deals with the appointment of ministers and deputy ministers, Dr Sibanda said President Mugabe also appointed the following eight Ministers and two Deputies.
The newly-appointed Zanu-PF national spokesperson and former Senior Minister of State in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo, was appointed to the new portfolio of Minister of Economic Planning.
The Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Services is now under Prisca Mupfumira, who replaced Nicholas Goche who was sacked for his involvement in the plot to assassinate the President and replace him with ousted VP Mujuru.
Oppah Muchinguri; who was Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development; has been assigned to the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, taking over from Dr Olivia Muchena who was fired for performance below the expected standard.
She was also part of the Mujuru cabal.
An appointment for the Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development will be made later.
Former Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Samuel Udenge was appointed Minister of Energy and Power Development, replacing Dzikamai Mavhaire, who is also linked to the sacked VP Mujuru’s cabal.
Udenge will be deputised by Tsitsi Muzenda.
Manicaland Minister of State Christopher Mushohwe was moved to the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, replacing Francis Nhema, who is also linked to the former VP Mujuru’s faction.
Mandi Chimene — Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association spokesperson — takes over from Mushohwe as the Minister of State for Manicaland Province, while former Deputy Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Joel Biggie Matiza is now the new Minister of State for Mashonaland East Province, replacing the ousted Simbaneuta Mudarikwa.
Former Deputy Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Supa Mandiwanzira was promoted to head the Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Courier Services that was under the fired Webster Shamu.
Monica Mutsvangwa, replaces Mandiwanzira as Deputy Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa was promoted to lead the newly-created Ministry of Welfare Services for the War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees.
Said Dr Sibanda: “Please note that the newly appointed Vice Presidents, together with the following Ministers and Deputy Ministers are invited to the State House for the swearing in ceremony on Friday (today), 12th December 2014 at 1000 hours.”
They are; Mupfumira, Udenge, Mushohwe, Mandiwanzira, Chimene, Matiza, Muzenda, and Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa.
The President fired the following ministers and a deputy for their conduct and performance which failed to meet expected standards: VP Mujuru, Minister of Presidential Affairs Dydimus Mutasa, Shamu, Nhema, Muchena, Mavhaire, Goche, Mudarikwa and Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development Munacho Mutezo.
List of new VPs and Ministers
Name and Portfolio
E Mnangagwa: Vice President
P Mphoko: Vice President
P Mupfumira: Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services
O Muchinguri: Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development
S Udenge: Minister of Energy and Power Development
C Mushohwe: Minister of Youth Development, Indegenisation and Economic Empowerment
S Mandiwanzira: Minister of Information, Communication Technology and Courier Services
C Mutsvangwa: Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees
C Chimene: Minister of State for Manicaland Province
B Matiza: Minister of State for Mashonaland East Province
Tsitsi Muzenda: Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development
M Mutsvangwa: Deputy Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

13 Replies to “Mugabe Appoints ‘Grade7 DropOut’ Muchinguri to Head Ministry of Tertiary Education”

  1. which poor people has Oppah ever fought for? varipi vanhu vacho? and how has their lives changed since (if) Oppah has been fighting for them? please tell us of a village or location where people are better off because of Oppah’s efforts

  2. reporter….’fired for involvement in a plot to assassinate mugabe’ and ‘..fired for incompetence’ or ,…part of mujuru cabal’ are stated in your story as absolute facts. this in journalistic incompetence at its worst! ndosaka muchisungwa imi. if goche sues for defamation he will win hands down. zvinonzi ‘fired for an alleged plot to…’. nekuti achiri makuhwa. no court of law has found him guilty on that charge. please grow up!!

  3. Real knowledge comes from God. She has got by far more knowledge than those with useless degrees. Continue to support and fight for the poor CDE Oppah Muchinguri. AMEN Messenger Of God

  4. All zpuff scumrades are grade one dropouts. The commander-in-thief got a bogus ‘ degree ‘ from an OK bazaars lucky packet. Were the mugarbages or dis-graces non-entity meaningless ‘ appointments ‘ ?????

  5. The DISGRACE is Pfumvudza where do you know Oppah-diot MuchinguriDOG? Leave journalists to do their work fool!

  6. Check your facts about Oppah , she had her first degree from a university in Los Angeles , California in the mid 1980s . You are a disgrace

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