Tsvangirai Plans to Impeach Mugabe Over Mnangagwa Are Utter Nonsense – Madhuku
12 December 2014
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Plans by Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC party to impeach Robert Mugabe for his firing of Joice Mujuru and replacing with Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko are utter nonsense, Constitutional Law expert Lovemore Madhuku has said.
“There is no chance for impeachment. The impeachment thing is nonsense… it doesen’t make sense,” said Madhuku.
He continued, “an impeachment is just a question of numbers in parliament. The MDC-T party don’t even have the minimum number required to have the matter discussed,” he added.
The MDC-T party’s spokesman, Obert Gutu, told a local daily that Mugabe has through the Mujuru expulsion violated the Constitution and because of that he can and should be impeached. He cannot violate the supreme law of the land.
“By firing Mujuru the way he did, Mugabe has violated the Constitution, as a president and his deputy can only be fired in accordance with the Constitution.
“Those are good grounds for impeaching the president. So we dismiss the purported dismissal of Mujuru as a non-event,” Gutu said.
Although analysts said yesterday that the prospects were slim for the MDC to successfully impeach Mugabe, as the party had minority seats in Parliament, the main opposition still believes that it could succeed in its mission, particularly taking into account the current disquiet in the ruling party — caused by the ongoing brutal purges of members perceived to be loyal to Mujuru.
Legal experts also say Mugabe can be impeached if the MDC can prove that he has wilfully violated the Constitution or is incapable of holding office due to physical or other incapacity.
But in order to have the necessary two-thirds vote needed to achieve such a move, the MDC would need the support of disaffected Zanu PF MPs.

9 Replies to “Tsvangirai Plans to Impeach Mugabe Over Mnangagwa Are Utter Nonsense – Madhuku”

  1. Ndazvitaura, Thank you for highlighting that, MDC-T does not really need the numbers in their camp there are numbers waiting in the ZANU PF camp including Ngwena’s. The Madhukus they know that MDC-T plan will work and the credit will be theirs for removing Mugabe assisted by the weevils who all want Mugabe gone! now its the ripe time ti impeach!

  2. Obviously Mad-huka recognize just how asinine are the serial losers, the MDC-Traitors.
    Even their evil european mental slave masters recognize just how moronic are MDC-Traitors.
    Now if madman Mad-huka would only recognize that he is equally as moronic & a sell-out, then life would be grand. lol

  3. i am pro madhuku but he is offside on this one , its public knowledge that mdc doesn’t have the numbers but with disgruntled zanu cadres they can have the numbers . l expected madhuku to argue on that line but instead he lambasted progressive forces . shame on you!

  4. As a constitutional lawyer, I was expecting musoro Banga to express his argument from sound legal analysis. But alas! He barks from an offside position once more. Who doesn’t know that MDC on their own do not have the numbers to impeach? Even MDC know that. Isn’t it obvious to everyone except musoro Banga that they are aiming to capitalize on the discontent in Zanu PF, which is very real right now? It might or might not succeed but who is to say it cannot be attempted?

  5. Actually Mnangagwa and collegues would rush to support that idea, because he knows that if the motion is moved and it succeeds, he will quickly get into power. The old man does not know that no one loves him anymore

  6. Professor Madhuku, please do not rubbish other people’s efforts like that. The MDC may not have majority, but there are a lot of disgruntled persons in Zanu PF, including MPs. Doesn’t parliament vote by secret ballot.

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