Gukurahundi Troubles Zimbabwe’s History
15 December 2014
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One of Zimbabwe’s renowned historians and educationist, Dr PhathisaNyathi, has vowed to write history that includes Gukurahundi as it is known, rather than distorting the truth out of fear.
He was addressing guests at a recent talk –show which was organised by Her Zimbabwe, an organisation headed by FungaiMachirori, who is daughter to one of Zimbabwe’s best female journalists and former Chronicle editor, Edna.
“History must not be distorted because of the writer who would want to be self-censored for fear. If one cannot write the truth about the Zimbabwean history, then he or she must just desist from doing so, because only the truth is needed for tomorrow’s generation,” said Nyathi. [continue reading…]

The former secondary school teacher and headmaster spoke hard on people who pretend to be historians, but behind writing half-baked information that will further misinform the next generation.
Several speakers who were at the Bulawayo club for the event, expressed fear on telling the truth about Gukurahundi which was the worst nightmare for the people of Matabeleland, because this is when thousands of Ndebeles were slaughtered  in the name of restoring order in Zimbabwe.
Former Minister of the defunct Ministry of National Healing, David Mzila-Ndlovu, was has been quoted in the media expressing that his mother was killed during the Gukurahundi era. He revealed that his mother was tied onto a vehicle and dragged leading to her murder by the fifth brigade in the mid-80s.
Nyathi also told the Matabeleland youths  present at the talk-show, to stand up for the truth, and also to be brave if they want to achieve their goals. “You must stand up and rise to the truth, don’t be self-censored, because you will compromise the truth,” added Nyathi.
Raisdan Baya, an artiste and novelist, also appealed to the youths to be united and also to be bold on everything they want to do in life. His sentiments were also echoed by Soneni Gwizi, a disabled broadcaster and activist, who strongly discouraged fear and lack of confidence among the new generation.

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