MNANGAGWA’S $200,000 vs $10,000 AIRLINE BILL: Gumbo Says It’s True I Said It, But All Of You Didn’t Hear Me Correctly
31 December 2017
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By Farai D Hove| Transport Minister Joram Gumbo has sought to reverse his own statement on what President Emmerson Mnangagwa spent on his flight to South Africa two weeks ago.

Minister Gumbo told a weekly newspaper that the government had chartered a plane for $200,000. After a public outcry, the airline company FlyAfrica then issued a statement stating that only $10,000 was both contracted for and paid by the government for Mnangagwa, contrary to the minister’s claim.

They even threatened journalists with legal action.

This time Minister Gumbo has come out guns blazing admitting that he of a truth did mention the $200,000 figure, but his words “were misinterpreted”.

“When I mentioned $200,000 in the interview, it was an example of the money we were prepared to pay or even more to ensure that the president would go to South Africa at the same time without inconveniencing Air Zimbabwe and its clients,” he said.

He continued saying,  “it is unfortunate that people at Fly Africa failed to read simple English. I did not say we paid $200 000 or gave a specific figure paid, but I said we opted to charter airline for any amount even $200 000 or more so long we were not going to disturb Air Zimbabwe.”

7 Replies to “MNANGAGWA’S $200,000 vs $10,000 AIRLINE BILL: Gumbo Says It’s True I Said It, But All Of You Didn’t Hear Me Correctly”

  1. For what

    He said the government decided to forgo money that might have been raised from the chartered flight, which could have been as much as $200 000.

  2. Gumbo is a zanoid..but let’s not wantonly decampaign a brother for nothing….

    I read the article ,and the quote from the original article show that he never said he was charged$200 000 ,but rather he said ,Might have been $200 000

    Read quote.
    “He said the government decided to forgo money that might have been raised from the chartered flight, which could have been as much as $200 000. ”

    And zimeye…I have come to believe you don’t stand for truth…why don’t you also show the original article where he said something about the$200 000.

    And you Gumbo ,learn to be more articulate,like a learned person to avoid misunderstandings.

  3. Better than Bob and Hure 1 taking $4million USD every time a plane goes in the clouds. I’ve wondered why his wife couldn’t have just flown him on her broomstick to Singapore.

  4. In the article from the standard, it appeared as if Joram Gumbo suggested that his ministry is not responsible for booking flights and its the office of the president that does it and pays for it. Is there a possibility that he didn’t have the facts and tried to give figure based on the trips Mugabe used to do or maybe Air Zimbabwe generally overcharges the government to compensate for the loss of business? Food for thought.

  5. Thus $190 000 saved already by Mnangagwa and one looting stream plugged.
    My Gumbo could have put a deposit for a million dollar house in South Africa. Poor thing Mr Gumbo.

  6. Huori hauna kupera muhurumende. Joram Gumbo must resign for this flip flop. His menial explanation ndeye vanana. Takura please. What he’d now claiming to have said makes much less sense that the first shocker. ED, regai mbavha iyi iyende. Murikushaiwa vanhu vari honest here? You’re so cryptic you people. Muri mbavha.

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