Mandaza Bus Accident in Kasimure, Hurungwe
26 May 2024
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By Farai D Hove | Hurungwe, Zimbabwe— A bus traveling from South Africa to Karoi, identified as the Mandaza/Elsberry coach, was involved in an accident in the Kasimure area of the Hurungwe district earlier today. Local authorities have confirmed that there were no fatalities, but seven people, including the bus conductor, sustained injuries.

Sad stare… Hurungwe accident

The accident occurred at approximately 10:00 AM local time on the main highway passing through Kasimure, a region known for its winding roads and frequent traffic. Eyewitnesses reported that the bus veered off the road after the driver appeared to lose control while navigating a sharp turn. The bus skidded for several meters before coming to a halt in a ditch on the side of the road.

Emergency services were quick to respond, with ambulances and fire services arriving on the scene within minutes of the crash. The injured passengers were swiftly transported to Karoi General Hospital, where they are currently receiving medical treatment. Hospital officials have stated that the injuries range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe fractures, but all the injured are in stable condition and expected to recover.

Local police have launched an investigation into the cause of the accident. Preliminary reports suggest that the road conditions, combined with the bus’s speed, may have contributed to the driver losing control. Authorities are also examining the bus for any mechanical failures that could have played a role in the incident.

One of the passengers, who requested anonymity, described the terrifying moments leading up to the crash. “We were all jolted forward when the bus swerved. There was a lot of screaming, and then a loud crash as we hit the ditch. It was very frightening,” the passenger recounted.

The Mandaza/Elsberry bus line is a popular choice for travelers between South Africa and Zimbabwe, known for its relatively affordable fares and frequent services. Company representatives have expressed their concern and are cooperating fully with the investigation. They have also stated that they will be conducting their internal review to ensure such incidents do not recur.

As news of the accident spreads, there has been an outpouring of support and concern from the community and local leaders. The Hurungwe district council has assured the public that they will be looking into road safety measures in the area to prevent future accidents.

More updates will be provided as the investigation continues and as further information about the condition of the injured becomes available.