Mnangagwa Says He Is Ready To Meet Chamisa
16 June 2018
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Battle lines drawn. Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa want to meet.

By Paul Nyathi|Out going President Emmerson Mnangagwa says that he is now ready to meet with all opposition presidential candidates including his biggest rival Nelson Chamisa of the MDC Alliance now that the nomination process is over.

Mnangagwa said that he wants to meet the Presidential candidates si that they can together and commit to holding free, fair, credible and peaceful elections.

The country holds harmonised elections on July 30.

Twenty three presidential aspirants successfully filed their nomination papers on Wednesday.

Pundits say the presidential contest will be a two-horse race between Mnangagwa of ZANU PF and the MDC Alliance’s Chamisa.

President Mnangagwa intended to meet the opposition leaders earlier in the year, but they were just too many at the time.
He said at some point they were 112 before reaching 133, making it impossible logistically to meet them.

“After nomination dzanezuro ndakati ndoda tose vatungamiriri tisingane and we commit ourselves to free elections,” said Mnangagwa.

He said he had inquired from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) earlier and was told at some point there were 112 opposition leaders before the figure increased to 133, forcing him to wait for the nomination process.

“Ndohwa kune 23 varikukwikwidza hu President. They must commit themselves to peaceful campaign. No violence. We want a mature political campaign,” said President Mnangagwa addressing thoudands of ZANU PF supporters at a rally in Masvingo.

“Toda runyararo. Unity, unity, unity. Harmony, harmony, harmony. Love, love, love,” he said.