Confident Chamisa Urges Supporters To Start Preparing Victory Celebrations
26 July 2018
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MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday urged his supporters to start preparing victory celebrations, claiming Monday’s poll outcome will be in his favour even if Zanu PF and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) connive to rig the results.

Addressing thousands of party supporters in Norton, Chamisa made fun of Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga for flying a military helicopter to the town about 40 kilometres from Harare to only attract a handful of Zanu PF loyalists.

Chamisa said he had plans to transform the dilapidated infrastructure in Norton and improve the socio-economic outlook of the country by introducing modern technology.

He said the Zanu PF leadership had no clue on how to address the problems which they co-created under former President Robert Mugabe.

“This is a delayed match. The election was decided a long time ago and we are winning,” Chamisa said.

“Prepare for celebrations. Even if Zanu PF apparatchiks try to rig, they will not win. Even if Zanu PF connives with Zec, this is already a done deal.”

Chamisa poked holes on Zec, claiming the electoral body had just failed a credibility test.

The MDC Alliance leader said Zanu PF had no support as evidenced by the poor attendance at Chiwengwa’s recent rally.

“I thank you Norton because you taught him (Chiwenga) a lesson that you don’t want lies. I am happy that our rallies are not forced, no one is forced. You have turned up in your big numbers. From Tuesday, we will be celebrating into a new Zimbabwe.”

Chamisa said he will do away with the bond notes as soon as he is elected into power.

Speaking earlier at Murombedzi in Zvimba, Mugabe’s home area, Chamisa said Zec was working overtime to rig elections in favour of the ruling party, but vowed to beat the two − the referee and the other player, Zanu PF.

“Even if Zec had a demon to rig the elections in favour of Zanu PF, we are going to trounce the referee Zec and Zanu PF together next Monday,” Chamisa said.

He also took a swipe at Mnangagwa and Chiwenga for wasting State resources, travelling in helicopters when the rest of the population was suffering.

“Now you see the insensitivity of the current leadership of Mnangagwa and Chiwenga who have a penchant of traveling in helicopters wasting resources when the country’s larger population is suffering.”

He warned politicians intimidating and harassing opposition supporters in rural areas that their days were numbered.
