Two Day Old Child Dies Of Coronavirus In South Africa As Confirmed Cases Shoot Above 18 000
22 May 2020
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Own Correspondent|South Africa lost a two-day-old baby to CORONAVIRUS on Thursday.

It is South Africa’s first neonatal Covid-19 fatality. This is as the death toll jumps to 339 with 27 new deaths, 18 003 ( 803 new) confirmed cases, out of 505,861 tests conducted (18,252 new) and 8950 recoveries (990 new).

The two-day-old baby was born prematurely and therefore had lung difficulties, which required ventilation support immediately after birth. The mother had tested positive for Covid-19 and the child subsequently tested positive for Covid-19 as well.

The department sent their condolences to the mother and those who cared for the baby. Mkhize then announced the death of a healthcare worker in the Western Cape, who left four nurses at Grey Hospital in King William’s Town suspended for Self-quarantine.

According to a nurse who works at the hospital, the suspended Healthcare workers had insufficient personal protective equipment and could not assist the patient. A general meeting took place later on Wednesday between hospital management and staff members in a bid to find a resolution to the issue.

The Western Cape is still the country’s epicentre, with 11,262 cases, followed by Gauteng with 2,400 and the Eastern Cape with 2,215. Western Cape accounts for 62.2% of the total number of cases in South Africa.

Source: Ministry Of Health SA