By A Correspondent | Below are riveting pictures of ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa soon after ordering the killing of scores of black Zimbabweans between the 1st August 2018 and the 25th January 2019.
This article in full explores how Mnangagwa evolved from an open-smiling-face to a tongue-clung to-the-roof of his mouth 41 years later.
On the 4th April 1983, Mnangagwa announce that he is launching an operation to depopulate a part of the nation that supports opposing political views. He said:
“Blessed are they who will follow the path of the Government laws, for their days on earth will be increased. But woe unto those who will choose the path of collaboration with dissidents for we will certainly shorten their stay on earth,” he added.
As Minister of State Security, Mnangagwa was in charge of the brutal massacre of more than 22 000 Ndebele. He labeled dissidents ‘cockroaches’ and the killers of the Fifth Brigade army unit as ‘DDT,’ an insecticide.
Economy data shows how the country’s GDP crashed down following the operation, and effects were immediately felt from 1983 all the way to 1985. As if the lessons of those years were not enough, 32 years later in May 2015, Mnangagwa speaking at the home of the late Vice President Simon Muzenda would describe election winners and their supporters, the majority, as instant corpses.

Then later this was – 1987 at the end of the Gukurahundi massacres. Mnangagwa doesn’t look happy that the killing is over, as it were.

Around this time, Emmerson Mnangagwa’s dummy dissident, called Richard Gwesela had been killed by a newspaper article, literally. 22 years later, ZimEye would uncover that there was never anyone at all called Richard Gwesela, the dummy Mnangagwa used wans state agent, used to create chaos in communities in order to justify the mass massacre of tens thousands of people.
For a whole for your period, Gwesela who did not even have a bicycle, was immortal.
The first picture is that of Mnangagwa just 48 hours after ordering the mass shooting that got 6 people dead in the Harare CBD, a pre-planned operation executed during the hours election results were delayed leading to him suddenly being announce winner of the 2018 polls despite it being openly announced on LIVE state television, ZBC in his presence that the Zim military will be used to enforce an election outcome greater than the one ZANU PF achieved in 1980.

The second picture is that of Mnangagwa barely 2 weeks after deploying the military in the capital city Harare killing 17 people and raping more than 50 women as their children watched between 15th and the 25th January 2019. ZimEye pursued Mnangagwa on his overseas travels and managed to push for the broadcaster and others to grill Mnangagwa later in Addis Ababa.
During this moment (below) the man was speaking to the broadcaster France24, and this was the very heated moment as he denied deploying the military to carry out extra judicial killings and raping women.
He would however later openly confirm to the people of Mwenezi that he is the one who did it all and then deployed emissaries to SADC leaders in order to spoon-feed them on what to say concerning his military violence, blaming it on civilians.
RETWEET! – Mnangagwa in Mwenezi clearly threatened brutality against doctors and lawyers also threatening to shorten the lives of people who make noise.
— ZimEye (@ZimEye) September 17, 2019
Both military crackdowns were condemned by the United Nations rapporteur on human rights. WATCH HIS VIDEO BELOW:

On the 3d January, Mnangagwa told the people of Kuwadzana in the capital, Harare, that he will deploy the army on them once he suspect that they are the ones guilty of stopping the rain, literally. WATCH VIDEO BELOW:
Mnangagwa: "But once we know it is the people of Kuwadzana who do not wish it to rain, we will deploy the army to surround them to beat them up" Video- ZBC
— ZimEye (@ZimEye) January 4, 2020
Mnangagwa: "But once we know it is the people of Kuwadzana who do not wish it to rain, we will deploy the army to surround them to beat them up" Video- ZBC
— ZimEye (@ZimEye) January 4, 2020