WARNING- Graphic Details- ZRP Murder Of Hilton Tamangani
13 December 2020
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Interviewer – Good afternoon our viewers in Zimbabwe and around the world. We bring you this slide where we speak to one of the vendors who was arrested together with the late Hilton Tamangani to narrate what really transpired on the day when they were arrested.

Interviewee: I am (inaudible)… two years old. Inini ndinoita zvekutengesa nekuchinja mari pacorner Kwame Nkrumah naAngwa pane QV Phamarcy. It happened like that eeh musiwe Saturday, which is the 12th of October, we were doing our business as usual eeh inini nemamwe mayoungsters andinoita sei vandinoshanda navo. It’s like a full truck yema (inaudible) … yakabva ne-road yekuna eeh na Angwa. I think sevanhu vanenge vachingotengesa ndobva taita sei tatanga kutiza. Patange takutiza eeh ndobvataona another bigger truck inenge aya anonzi mangongongo aya, inenge ine about 60 or so, ndirikungofembera because I am not very sure … bva taona kuti panapa … tatoita sei tatokombwa. Tenge tisina option yekutiza napo because mapurisa vakazara ne the other side. Saka the only nzvimbo yatakagona kutiza napo ndeye basement because usually … panouya mapurisa mazhinji tinopinda chii-basement. And mu-basement imomo havaiti sei havasotiwana. Little did we know kuti panemunhu anenge atotengesa kuti tinopinda chii mu-basement. Then tadaro paya paya tahwanda mu basement muya muya matinopinda aaah vasvika muyamuya bvavatanga kurova ma-teargas. Unongoziva basement panhu pakavharika nemateargas vamwe varimunemamwe marooms vachingokosora …. Police [vakati] “you guys marova mapurisa … about three”. Tarova mapurisa? Zvaitikira kupi izvozvo? Ndekupi kwatarova mapurisa? And that day we were celebrating birthday raHilton, 29, so musi iwowo. And it is a well known fact kuti isusu tiri ma-supporters echii? eMDC. Saka patinenge tichiita zvinhu zvedu topfeka chii regalia. Saka that regalia I think ndochakanyanya kuattracta chii … vakazobata iye Hilton neumwe mupfanha anonzi David Tekere aaaah vakavabata paye paye haaa pakarohwa munhu. Inini ndakange ndakahwanda muneimwe room ndakange ndine other three guys but ndaingonzwa kuchema kwaiita munhu akuita sei, arikurohwa. Akarohwa! Almost 30minutes, uchinzwa munhu achiita sei, achirohwa! Ende whilst achirohwa paya paya paneroom yakabatwa vanaHilton yanga ine ma-helmets e-police anga akawanda … munhu wese. But ma-helmets aya manje, they belonged kune umwe mukomana aripa-building iyoyo. Akange amatenga ku-auction, that is 2016, for recycling unoziva … that is the reason yaakaita sei, yaakapa. Saka ivo vakenge vakuti ‘muriku organiser kupandukira hurumende. Already you have ma-helmets aya’ nechii ndoo most reason yavanyanya kuita sei kutirova zvakanyanya. [Then] vabata varova vana Hilton paya paya vazoita intensify their search vachibvavazo batawo vamwe munema rooms metenge tisiri. The first thing yavaita vasati vatanga kukurova vaitanga kusearcha votora mari. Some other guys lost about USD400, ini I lost about ini hangu ndange ndisina mari yakawanda ndenge ndine USD66, R254, ZWL $720 ma-bond but vamwe vapfanha vandanga ndinavo vange vanemari dzakaita sei dzange dzakawanda. Haa vatitora payapaya ndobva vatipfugamisa mumukoto aah bvavatanga kutirova zvakare nemambhoma. Ndopandakazonyanyanya kukwara because truck yavakatirongedza yaiva diki apa tanga takarongedzwa apa ne weight yake he was a big guy. Apa wese aiuya aitanga arova iye because ndiye aiwa pamusoro and he was crying like ‘vakomana mandiuraya. Mhosva yandaita ndeyei ko kani? Munondiurayira kuchinja mari here? Inga mari yacho matora wani? What else do you want from me guys? I am already dead. Musana wangu waita sei? Watyoka!’ Because kunezvimwe zvimambhoma zve-police zviye zvakamira zvakadai unoziva zvavanobata vakadai? Vachitenderedza vachirova pa-spinal. Saka I believe kuti akatyoka spinal ….

From there tasvika ku-Central vakatirova zvakare zvakasimba including mashefu anga akapfeka hat dze black hanzi ‘hee moita basa rekurova police, muchiti munotonga nyika inoyi. Nyika ino inevaridzi vayo,’ and some stuff kusvika vaneta ‘mofunga munotora nyika ino’. Ndopavakazotiisa muma cells next day. On sunday ndopavakatiitisa ma interviews paye vachida kuti pavhurwe case vakashaya kuti vovhura case ipi kusvika vazoita settle for assault. Saka vakambotanga vati eeeh we are suspecting you ne murder nekuti panemupurisa akambotsikwa nemota nekuti tawana helmet yechii yemupurisa uya iri pama helmets ange awanikwa paya paya. But the truth is helmet iyoyo vakatora umwe mpfanha anonzi zvikanzi Kevy come here, come here tora helmet iripapo undikandire vakati titambidze helmet iyo ndikati ‘mpfanha iwewe ukuisa ma fingerprints pa helmet yemunhu akafa’. From there vakomana vangavakakuvara vakachema vakasvika so we demanded medical attention and that was on Sunday denied medical till ma lawyers edu auya akasiya apa order akauya akati tipihwe medical attention but still we were denied. Then ava manheru eSunday vakauya zvakare vakatitora hanzi ‘takuenda kuchipatara’. Vakatiendesa paCentral paye paunosvika uchireporter ndobva taiswa pasi pema-tables pakatora two hours. Then after dzakuma 12 one kuHarare Hospital? Ivo vaiti hanzi tirikuenda vakutiendesa asi havana vakati ‘these guys are dangerous. So we can’t take them vasina ma leg irons’ saka ‘so we can not take them vasina chii they are trained’ whatever zvavaitaura hanzi ‘vanozotikanganisa kuti tivaendese saka ngavadzokere’.

That was on Sunday, then Monday, that is when we went to court, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday taingoenda ku-court taibva ku court that was around 7 taizosvika kuHarare Central Prison kuma 7pm. Wednesday, Thursday, eeh musi weFriday ndopatisina kuenda ku police pandakaona mukomana … azvimba muviri wese manje, azvimba body yese kubva kutsoka kusvika uku right side yake yese iyi yakange yaoma that was Thursday night because pane pamwe paakarohwa nebhodhoro range raka cracker.

I: Bhodhoro?

Interviewee: … bhodhoro! Kugoti uku musoro wake wawaclotta blood, zvekuti kana asimudze gumbo tatakuita wekujegera. Saka umwe prison officer akazonyatsoona akati ‘haa mpfanha akakwara uyu hazvichaite’ and then they had to negotiate his way kuti aende chii anoona ma nurses but fortunately takawana ma nurses anonzwisisa akamugadza pa wheelchair achitoti ‘akomana hameno mangwana toonana here nezvandiri kunzwa ini. Haa ndiri pa-tight’. Maziso ake aive eye red ndikamupa two… Wakubuda waitaura naye akakutarisa so you could see kuti hapasisina hupenyu. … That was on Friday makuseni bvaaswera aripo pachipatara chepajeri Harare Central Prison. Then the next morning sad news ndopatakanzi mumwe wenyu akashaya. And vamwe vese vaiva vakatyoka they were denied medical attention. Only ini ndakatozorapwa musi watapuhwa bail that was on Monday. Ndopandakazoenda kunoiswa plaster nekuonekwa ma internal injuries nekuti vakuti ndine ropa raka clotter mukati. Saka ndikupihwa mapiritsi ekuti akline. That’s the horror we went through. That was hectic especially mapurisa acho awe akawanda haa pakarohwa vanhu about 60 of them. Initially we were 12. Another one wechi 12 wacho is a lawyer ndakangomuona akamira pa gate akarohwa zvakasimba. Ndakanganwa zita rake but ndoziva kumuona. Pakazouya vanhu veku law firm kwavo manheru emusiwe Saturday that’s when they released him. And then the other one wechi 13 anonzi Tawanda akatokwanisa kutiza ku escaper akatsemuka musoro and ruoko but akakwanisa kuescaper akaenda.


Interviewer – Good afternoon our viewers in Zimbabwe and around the world. We bring you this slide where we speak to one of the vendors who was arrested together with the late Hilton Tamangani to narrate what really transpired on the day when they were arrested.

I sell goods and trade in forex at the corner of Kwame Nkrumah and Angwa Street where you have the QV Pharmacy. It so happened that on Saturday, 12th of October, while some youngsters, in actual fact my business colleagues, and I were going about our business as usual.

It’s like a full truck came from the direction of Angwa Street to which we, as as vendors usually do, began to flee. While running we saw another bigger police truck with about 60 or so I guess. We realised we had been surrounded. We had no escape route because police sealed the other side and usually when police raid in large numbers we hide in the basement. There police have always failed to find us except that this time around someone had sold out our hideout.

So while in the basement hideout, police got in there and started throwing teargas. As you know, the basement is an enclosed place and with the teargas people in other rooms kept coughing. … the police [said] ‘you guys beat up police officers … about three’. We assaulted police officers? Where on earth did that happen? Where did we assault police officers? And that day, we were celebrating Hilton’s birthday – that was his 29th. And it is a well known fact that we are MDC supporters. So when we go about our business we wear our party regalia. So it is that regalia which I think drew the attention … they caught Hilton and another guy called David Tekere aaaah they caught them and severely beat them. I was hiding in another room with three other guys but I heard from his cries that he was being beaten. He was beaten! For almost 30minutes, the cries reported a sustained beating! And whilst he was being beaten there is a room where Hilton and his colleagues were caught, which had many police helmets … everybody. But now these helmets, belonged to another guy who is based at the same building. This guy had bought the helmets at an auction, that is 2016, for recycling you know … that is the reason he gave. So the cops were now saying ‘you are organising a uprising against the government. Already you have these helmets’ and that is the prime pretext they used to beat us so badly. [Then] they caught and beat up Hilton and his colleagues, intensified their search and caught others who were hiding in other rooms that we had not been in. The first thing they did before beating you up is to search and seize money. Some other guys lost about USD400, I lost about (as someone without lots of money) I had USD66, R254, ZWL $720 (bond) but other guys I was with had huge amounts of money. So they took us and made us kneel in the alley then they started to beat us up again with button sticks and would start by beating him [Hilton] up. That is when I got severely injured because the truck they piled us in was small yet with his weight he was a big guy. All who came started by beating him up because he was at the top of the stack and he cried saying ‘guys you have killed me. What crime have I really committed? You kill me for dealing in forex? Yet you have taken all my money? What else do you want from me guys? I am already dead. What has become of my spine? It’s broken!’ Because there is a type of button stick used by police, the one that is like this, which they hold like this and spin as they hit the spine. So I believe that he broke his spine ….

From there when we arrived at Central [Police Station] they and their black-hat police chefs severely beat us again and taunted us saying ‘hee you make it your job to beat up police officers, and brag that you will rule this country. This country has its owners,’ they taunted us until they were tired and continued to say ‘you think you will win this country?’ Then they put us in the cells the next day. On Sunday they conducted interviews with a view to filing a criminal case against us, and kept fumbling until they settled for an assault charge. So at first they said ‘we are suspecting you committed murder’ because there is a case of a police officer who was run over by a car and so they said that ‘we have found the helmet of the deceased policemen amongst the other helmets that had been discovered earlier on’. But the truth is that in the case of the helmet-murder case they took one guy called Kevy and trapped him saying ‘come here, come here, take that helmet over there and throw it to me’. They said ‘give us that helmet’ before I weighed in saying “my boy you are putting your fingerprints on the helmet of the deceased.’ From there the guys who were injured cried on arrival and so we demanded medical attention and that was on Sunday when our lawyers left behind an order that we get medical attention but still we were denied. Then on Sunday evening they [police] came and took us again and said ‘we are going to the hospital’. They took us to Central, there where complainants stand when they report their cases then we were put under the tables for two hours. Then at or about 12 noon to 1 p.m. Harare Hospital? They told us that they were taking us to hospital but they did not save to say ‘these guys are dangerous. So we can’t take them without leg irons’ therefore ‘so we can not take them because they are trained’ whatever they were saying they added ‘they will create trouble for us if we take them so they must go back’.

That was on Sunday, then Monday, that is when we went to court, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we kept going to court and would leave court around 7 p.m. and would arrive at Harare Central Prison at or about 7 p.m. On Wednesday, Thursday and eeh on Friday were the days we did not go to the police whereupon I saw Hilton really swollen all over from the toes to his right side which was now badly affected and stiff … that was Thursday night because he had also earlier on been assaulted using a cracked bottle.

Interviewer: bottle?

Interviewee: … bottle! Besides a blood clot to the head, we had to support him when he tried to lift up his leg. So one prison officer who clearly saw what was happening remarked ‘haa this young man is injured we can’t ignore this anymore’ and then they had to negotiate his way so that he is attended to by the nurses but fortunately we got served by very understanding nurses who put him on a wheelchair while he remarked ‘guys with the way I am feeling I do not know if we will see each other tomorrow. I am in pain’. His eyes were red and I gave him two … as you exited the clinic you spoke to him and once he looked at you you could see that there was no more life in him. … That was on Friday morning and so he spent the whole day at Harare Central Prison clinic. Then the next morning sad news we were told that your mate had died. And the other inmates who had broken limbs were denied medical attention. Save for me, I was treated on the Monday we were granted bail. That is when I went to get a plaster and got checked for internal injuries because they said I have blood that clotted right inside me. So I am being given pills to clean the clot. That’s the horror we went through. That was hectic especially considering that there were many policemen about 60 of them who severely beat up the people. Initially we were 12. The 12th guy, a lawyer I saw standing at the gate, was also severely beaten up. I have forgotten his name but can recognise him when I see him. People from his law firm came on Saturday evening and that’s when they released him. And then the thirteenth guy is called Tawanda who actually managed to escape despite an injury to the head and hand.
