Go Well Change Champion Mapuranga
22 October 2022
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Mwenezi CCC Youth Member passes way in South Africa

Mwenezi east CCC is in tears following the untimely death of Youth Change Champion Tawanda Magaisa Mapuranga of ward 2.

Tawanda was one of the surviving cadres who were in the struggle since time of the Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC up until he joined the CCC. He was currently a member of the Pretoria Olieven Branch where he was working and is survived by a son. His burial arrangements will be announced in due course. Meanwhile mourners are gathered in Mwenezi Ward 2 under Chief NEGARI at Muswere Homestead.

Tawanda was a courageous young man- at one time when Zanu pf youths were marching, led by one Ezra Mashindi, he remained unmoved and refused to join the forced Zanu pf March at Rata township. The family , CCC-ZEC-CLASH-OVER-VOTERS-ROLL and Mwenezi as a district lost a progressive man who would one day fight for the good of the Nation.

Tawanda is brother to Lovemore Mapuranga CCC Youth chaiman and ward 2 councillor candidate in 2018.

T Muswere
CCC Masvingo Provincial Youth Champion