Zivhu Praises Cecil John Rhodes
2 October 2023
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Tinashe Sambiri

Former Zanu PF MP for Chivi South Constituency, Killer Zivhu has bragged about his esteemed class.

Zivhu pictured himself in a yet to be disclosed place, surrounded by white people.

The controversial politician also conceded Cecil John Rhodes was a civilised leader although he stole “our minerals.”

Zivhu’s remarks are likely to irk Zanu PF hardliners who view western countries as bitter foes.

“At Rhodes’s grave, the guy who brought civilization, he was cruel but principled, he stole our minerals, but he was developing the country, iam glad something great happened at the grave, others ran away, but ndangoshinga and received the message.
They(white people)
are not bad to be among them…
Whites are not bad people.

My friends are whites, handisi mutengesi zvangu, ” said Zivhu in a statement.