UZ lecturer in soup over fraud
7 October 2023
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A University of Zimbabwe lecturer, Vongai Chakanyuka, who is also a medical doctor, appeared before Harare magistrate Stanford Mambanje facing fraud charges involving US$135,000, NewsDay reported citing court papers.

What happened: It is alleged that Chakanyuka, along with her late husband Pardon Chakanyuka, sold stand number 48 Borrowdale Township of Subdivision E of Lot H Borrowdale Estate measuring 3 624sqm in 2017 to local businessman McLeod Mapanga for US$135,000 but withheld the title deeds.

The transfer of the property was supposed to be carried out by Chakanyuka and Associates Law Firm, owned by the accused’s husband. However, the transfer was not completed before Mapanga passed away in 2018.

After Mapanga’s death, his estate was registered and Pardon was appointed as the executor. The accused and her husband did not transfer the property at that stage. Later, the accused fraudulently pledged the property as security for a debt owed to Bell Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd, despite the property being sold and possession given to Mapanga and his beneficiaries.

Pardon passed away, and the accused included the property in her late husband’s estate, despite not completing the transfer. As a result, the complainant was prejudiced of US$135,000, and no recovery has been made. The accused will face trial on October 16.