Varakashi Pay Tribute To Robert Mugabe
23 February 2024
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Source : Zanu PF

Popular The Late RG Mugabe Quotes – 21st Movement Youth Day

🟢 “We belong to this continent. We don’t mind having and bearing sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans. We have not asked for any inch of Europe, any square inch of that territory. So Blair, keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe!”

🟢 “We equally reject attempts to prescribe new ‘rights’ that are contrary to our values, norms traditions and beliefs. We are not gays!”

🟢 “VeG40 vakazviparira ivo ana Kasukuwere. Ndivo vakazvipa zita iroro. Zvakauya sei? Obama akahwina kuUnited States, a young man ari muma40s. Tikanzwa kuti ah ana Kasukuwere vaakuti yah hurumende yaakuda varimuma40s, vadiki.

Ndookwakabva G40, vana Obama. Saka vakambonzi vanaObama ivo vadiki vavo ava nekuti Obama ndiyo age-group yake ye40-something. Ndookwazvakabva. Havana kupihwa neumwe izvozvo.

Vakazvipa izvozvo vachirova matundundu kuti haaa tinoda kuti tizopindawo isu vadiki ndivo vaakuita take over like vanaObama. Ah! Ndakangotarisa ndichiseka zvangu kuti ah, ko Obama is in the United States. Iwe Kasukuwere uri kungokunguruka zvako uri muno.”

🟢 “We will be exceedingly grateful to get rid of any dishonest persons because they don’t serve the purpose of Government. They are not doing us any good at all. There are there, everywhere: in the private sector, in the public sector even in the opposition you find them – people trying to make money out of nothing.

You have Madhuku, Madhuku, Madhuku, Madhuku. I don’t know what Madhuku actually leads. Anongounganidza vanhu 2 pano apa, 3 apa, zvonzi Madhuku is going to do this, is going to cause disturbances ende anenge atsva izvozvo asisina mari. You see? Ende wongonomira munzira umo kuti mapurisa amusunge. Vosungwa iye nevanhu vatatu yatova news ka zvotoenda kuCNN ‘Madhuku asungwa, Madhuku asungwa, human rights in Zimbabwe hakuna.’ Iye ochienda kuti, maona zvandirikuita ka izvi, kuvanhu vake ikoko.

Vanomutumira maCheques you see and he has made his money. He is making a living. Wombogara zvino, tonho. Yopera futi, again, huh? That’s how Madhuku survives. The Madhuku-strategy.”

🟢 “Dzimwe nguva vanhu vanenge vasina zvokushandisa. KumaBank kwedu tovapa maFacility ekuti mukaenda kumaBank akati neakati ndiwo atakapa mari yekuti vabatsire vanhu pamabasa akati neakati. MaBank edu oregawo kuCharger maInterest epamusoro-soro. Kuti tazviwanirei, hatidi kudaro. Varegewo zvakare kuvhundutsa vanhu. Vanhu vanovhunduka ka kana mari dzavakaisa kuBank dzichinzi hadzisisiko? Ko dzakaenda kupi?”

🟢 “Minister, your national budget is full of figures only but I can’t see the people. Where are the people in your budget?”

🟢 “Pamberi neOne Party State!”

🟢 “Ndoozvandinoitwa kumba, imiwe-e!”

🟢 “There are matters which have been outstanding for a long time. You were gonna make mention of the Matabeleland issue.

That is a difficult one, you see? There is a need, they say, to have the Gukurahundi corrected but when you look at Gukurahundi and you examine how it came about, you blame again the Ndebeles. You blame the Party that led them, ZAPU, because they had brought in shipments, shipments of arms from the Soviet Union.

I was called by Nyerere who said, ‘These shipments, what are they for? You are now an independent country.’ Shipments that they had received at the Dar es Salaam port. It was Nyerere who told me and he said, ‘Talk to K.K.’ I talked to Kaunda and Kaunda said, ‘Yes, they have given these to ZAPU.’ I said, ‘Why, because there is a government, a Party cannot receive shipments of arms.

Now what will they do with them?’ It was there, then, that we got these arms. They were hidden and naturally we started the action that was necessary. Already some of the arms had been distributed, you see; and this led then to the campaign that was called Gukurahundi.”

🟢 “Asante sana!”

Tip: Watch President Mugabe’s Full African Union Summit Speech – 2016. The whole speech is

Source : Zanu PF