Chiwenga In Urgent Return As Zanu PF Power Struggles Escalate
22 May 2024
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By Political Reporter – Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has returned urgently from China, where he had been for a routine medical check-up.

Chiwenga’s return follows a reshuffling of the Zanu PF politburo by President Mnangagwa on Monday during his absence.

The politburo reshuffle is believed to have undermined Chiwenga’s presidential succession ambitions ahead of the 2028 elections when Mnangagwa is constitutionally required to step down.

There is growing chaos within Zanu PF over Mnangagwa’s successor after his second and final term ends in 2028.

 His supporters and close associates are campaigning for his (Mnangagwa) third term, thereby blocking Chiwenga from assuming the highest office.

Sources at Munhumutapa told ZimEye that Chiwenga rushed back from China early this week after learning about the politburo reshuffle, which was carried out without his knowledge.

“The Vice President is aware of this plot to paralyse him and is working on counter-tactics. You know he is a trained soldier and a strategist,” said the sources.

Soon after his return, Chiwenga did not rest and rushed to his office for a closed-door meeting with SADC Executive Secretary Mr. Elias Magosi.

Mr. Magosi is in the country to check on Zimbabwe’s preparedness to host the SADC Heads of State and Government Summit in Harare in August, where President Mnangagwa will assume the chairmanship of the regional bloc.
