Trump’s Inevitable Bounce Back To White House
15 July 2024
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By Dr. Raymond Chamba |President Trump will win this election by a landslide. He was poised for a win based on normal election metrics of who is energized to vote. The party that’s out of power is naturally more energized, and the cultural and historic shifts/issues make it even more so.

During the horrific moments Trump was nearly killed

After the attempted assassination, he is unassailable on the march to the White House. If he sounds tempered down in his Republican Party nomination speech, he will attract more undecided voters while galvanizing the Republican base to come out in numbers for November. While it was originally an election, President Trump has now been selected by destiny to take charge.

This he shall do whether the deep state likes it or not. It’s one of those situations where they will have to strategically live to fight another day, another election cycle. NATO, DOJ, FBI, and the other alphabets are due for a major cleanup. Though he survived the bullets, in the minds of Republicans and other fair-minded people, he has already attained rock star and martyrdom status.

Much as this makes no outward sense at all, because it’s America, nothing ever does in this great land of some very sick people. My strongest analysis is that there will be another attempt on him, the other guy, or any of the top congressional contenders. We have entered into a new season of “gun-manship,” and copycats are always an American staple. We pray and trust that it will be alright, as what happens here affects everything, everywhere.

This is America. No person was born better primed for this intrigue than Donald Trump. It’s not like old times, but sure is great show-time. For a political P.T. Barnum like him, this represents a divine expansion of the stage. Out of this may emerge a new person, a greater statesman allowing America to lead more again and avoid the rush to the precipice of internecine cultural wars and the close economic disaster they naturally torment and foster.

Dr. Raymond Chamba