Ziyambi’s Anti-Geza Press Conference Was Made Up Of Fake ZANU PF Members Promised Title Deeds | Full Text
5 February 2025
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The Provincial Chairman
Mashonaland West Province

05 February 2025

Dear Cde Mliswa

RE: Mash West in Political Leadership Crisis.

The recent presser at North Court Farm is a shame for our province. It was first intended to be done at National Headquarters but later shifted to the farm where farm dwellers are facing conviction. The farm dwellers at Northfolk farm were used to create a crowd due to their pending evictions which they are fighting. What was clear was their confusion on the words around Cde Geza because they have never met him and for a fact were not even aware he is a Central Commitee Member. These people were railroaded and manipulated into attendance to an agenda which had nothing to do with their grievances. The challenge was the agenda to talk of Cde Geza did not gain traction hence failure of most DCC and Provincial members to attend the meeting. Abuse of people at North court who are facing legal challenges must be condemned by all right thinking Cdes. Those people are desperate and deserve to be assisted on their genuine problem .

The meeting at North Court did not have mandate to fire Cde Geza as it did not constitute any organ of the party. It was merely a rallying point to help impoverished compound dwellers facing evictions. That is why the compound dwellers started leaving the venue whilst leadership was still speaking.

The PCC meeting today can only recommended to NDC for Cde Geza to be dismissed from the party through a charge sheet which shall be handed over to Central Commitee for deliberations. Only the Central Commitee can charge Cde Geza and recommend the issue to NDC. However it is apparent that those who are pushing an agenda are also capable of tearing the party constitution to meet their goals.

Cde Geza is from Kadoma and the first complaint should infact come from Kadoma before the provincial leadership meetings. It baffles the mind why a presser had to be done 200km away from Kadoma where he stays and originates from.

Pressers in themselves do not remove problems; infact they have drawn attention to our province and pathetic mobilisation deficiencies.

We have not heard Mash East convening a PCC to fire Cde Mavetera for her behavior at the national shrine in front of the then Acting President and Second Secretary of the party Cde Chiwenga.

Cde Mary Mliswa and Cde Ziyambi please be aware that you were all imposed into those positions you hold today without merit. Please recognise the fact that your loss of elections means the generality of people do not have support for you and your schemes. Please do not abuse your proximity and benovelence of our head of state and First Secretary of Zanu PF.

The people of Mashonaland West are watching you as you partake into your tribal agenda against the masses of Mashwest province. We need more unity in Mash West and ZANU PF at large without toxic pressers and publicity gerrymandering.

Cde Chairman may you please be guided by principles of Revolution not self centered agendas.


Cde Gifford Gomwe
Mash West.

Cc: Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi
Cc: Cde OCZ Muchinguri