Sex Demon Of The Year, Uebert Angel
27 December 2015
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– When a pastor became a Satanic rapist.

named and shamed...Uebert Angel
named and shamed…Uebert Angel

The Sex Demon Of The Year  2015 is neither politician nor magician, but a man who claims to be a preacher of the Bible, who this year was revealed as a Sex Brute preying on young women in his church. [PLEASE NOTE – If you fail to promptly access this website, it is because of Uebert Angel church hired hackers who seeing the rigid weight of evidence against their “prophet,” have also communicated their actions in writing to attack this website so to slow it down. A Police investigation is underway and their computers have been tagged.]
Young innocent girls seeking spiritual help found themselves under the bedroom yoke of Uebert Angel who claimed to be a man of the Cloth but was found to be a man of the Broth, a married man who is yet grooming young church girls for his carnal pleasures.
It was revealed that he has pounced on several women in his church charging towards them in order to grease his “sin-fested”, infected body on their innocent souls. Impeccable evidence came out for the first time revealed by both and the investigative ZimEye Video Network, that Uebert Angel who doctored(altered) his name from Hubert Mudzanire after he was listed for shocking academic fraud, now unmasked, is really just a Sex Brute who belongs to the sex offenders pages of history and charismatic yesteryears.
In one of the video’d evidence pieces, Angel would write to one victim begging to have sex with her in London. “Wanted to have sex with you the same day you return.”
He would also have the liberty to demand the nude pictures of female congregants.
He was confronted with all this evidence at his church meeting in Birmingham and dodged answering back. Numerous requests were also put in writing but never replied to.
It was also revealed that he is involved in surreptitious methods to gain entry into large churches while using the names of seasoned preachers the likes of Tudor Bismark. Bismark would come out and throw the truth into the open that Uebert Angel and his colleague one called Passion Java are all none but pentecostal fraudsters.
A full documentary on Uebert Angel’s sex scandal is now to be released.
Despite all the insurmountable evidence, many followers of Angel would continue supporting him worshipping the 37 year old man calling him their “Spiritual Father” who they will rather die supporting, never to question his conduct.
Shortly after this investigation was commenced, Uebert Angel’s church launched an attack as they publicly announced they were hiring website hackers so to bring down the  website. Their actions were unmasked and a police investigation opened.  reiterated its committement to stand for the public and especially women when they are abused by abusive leaders, politician and pastor alike.

12 Replies to “Sex Demon Of The Year, Uebert Angel”

  1. These are not innocent girls, they are also like him if these stories are true. They only start revealing things after their promises are not met.

  2. Ueber Angel is no Christian at all for no child of God born of the Spirit will go around raping church girls. This man must repent so he can be saved

  3. Ueber Angel is no Christian at all for no child of God born of the Spirit will go around raping church girls. This man must repent so he can be saved

  4. Two of the videos are already there online ZimEye give us more on this charlatan. His days are numbered

  5. Two of the videos are already there online ZimEye give us more on this charlatan. His days are numbered

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