SHOCK PICTURES: Mugabe Humiliated By Mysterious “Biblical” Grasshopper
19 April 2017
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  • CIOs failed to see it

  • It could have been a poisonous drone remote controlled by enemies

  • Is it natural, mystical, electrical, or mythical?

Staff Reporter| To be chased after by a grasshopper denotes a very bad omen according to the scriptures- This is because in the book of Revelations people who are attacked by grasshoppers “do not have the seal of God on their foreheads,” Rev 9:3-4. Robert Mugabe was yesterday tightly followed by a mysterious grasshopper that alert CIO agents failed to see.

Mugabe can be seen in shocking pictures having been landed onto by the locust which even CIOs cannot see. To make matters worse, the grasshopper freely shifts from hand to hand without the President seeing it.

It could have easily been a poisonous drone remote controlled by enemy armies sent to attack the Head Of State, SEE VIDEO.

Commenting on the development last night, many Zimbabweans said this was reflective of something very bad. Others however dismissed the speculation saying it was common for such a thing to happen.

What really does this locust matter mean?

0 Replies to “SHOCK PICTURES: Mugabe Humiliated By Mysterious “Biblical” Grasshopper”

  1. its not a question of CIO seeing the locust but its a question of him failed to feel it, doesnt he have blood and feelings any more….