TOUCHING PICTURES: First Lady Auxillia Kneels Before Chikurubi Prisoners Today
25 December 2017
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First Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa visits Chikurubi female prison on Christmas Day and presents Christmas goodies to inmates and their children…. – State Media pics –

11 Replies to “TOUCHING PICTURES: First Lady Auxillia Kneels Before Chikurubi Prisoners Today”

  1. Waita hako Mutungwazi. Hazvinei. Shungu dzako nepfungwa dziri pamagokora kwete mumusoro. Vasungwa vanhu hadzisi mhuka. Vanopihwa tsigiro kuti vadzoke muvanhu. Hakusi kuvatya kuvapfugamira. Itsika. Kwandiri? Ndiri next door yako.

  2. Are you done? I can repeat exactly what I said because it is the correct position, your recent post being evidence of that. I can easily tell that you are intellectually constrained. The second part of your post should end with a question mark because it is a question. This is precisely the chicken shit I am writing about! Additionally, it does not add any value to what I posted.

  3. Hauna zvawataura Billet Magara. Umboripi unonyepera tsika kuvasungwa. You don’t show respect to someone who raped your daughter neither to someone who killed your son nor someone who stole your source of livelihood. Majority if not percent committed crimes. Vosek Magara musoro bangu. Kambwa kanonyeba

  4. True true. We are all humans besides the crimes and wrongs that we have done. Humility calls for somebody who can lower themselves to the lowest class you can ever think of. I respect her for such an act.

  5. In our culture you kneel before PEOPLE while serving food or giving presents. It does not matter what their social standing is. Prisoners are not in prison to be punished, but to be REHABILITATED so that they rejoin society as reformed men and women. Ndidzo tsika chaidzo, kwete kupa vanhu chokudya iwe wakaita somugamutirii !! kkkkkkkk

  6. You don’t know why they are there and neither do you know the circumstances that had them convicted.

    Many people end up doing time for petty crimes because they do not have the money to hire a good lawyer to fight for them while the real big criminals who have money are enjoying freedom because they lawyered up and/or have political connections.

    She kneels because she acknowledges their humanity which supersedes the criminal acts for which they are doing time. She kneels also because she knows what it means to be a mother especially when children are placed in these circumstances that are not of their choosing. She kneels and speaks with them at their level, not speaking at them from above, because that could easily happen to any of us.

    You should go and buy back a heart and brains where you sold them.

  7. Exaggerated tsika, l dont think this woman is genuine in all she is going she wants mileage chete remember you are dealing with the Ex~C10 tsika dzenhema matsola ndomaziva ndikamaona. Ipapa vana tete hanzvanzi dzemurume haadi kudziona and she will not kneel for them, but wonofugamira mhondi dzakakanda vana muToilet eeeeish ~ its stage managed. ANOZIVA KUTI ARIKUBUDA MU tv nemuma Paper ~ Fake. l like Dr Gucci she were genuine. Mari yaari kutengesa zvinhu zvese izvo akaishanda riini?

  8. You dnt kneel down before prisoner’s. These people have lost the respect. Feeding them YES not kneeling down. Some are thieves, rapists, murders etc. Eticate is now needed badly

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