“ED Compassionate Politics” Good For The Country, Really?
20 February 2018
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Wilbert Mukori |Nick Mangwana, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is a corrupt, vote rigging, murderous tyrant whose insatiable greed and love for absolute power made him a willing tool in Mugabe’s dictatorial hands. Mnangagwa did not hesitate to stage a coup to stop Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC party getting into power after Mugabe and Zanu PF was soundly beaten in the March 2008 elections. When Mugabe tried to get rid of Mnangagwa and his cronies; they staged yet another coup and forced the aged dictator to resign.

Since the November 2017 coup Robert Mugabe and his family have been under house arrest, he was lucky. Those in the G40 faction (as contrast to the Lacoste faction of Mnangagwa) of Zanu PF have not been so lucky; many have been arrested, accused of corruption – ironically a crime that many Zanu PF members including Mnangagwa and his new VP Chiwenga are guilty of. Other G40 leaders are on the run, they know they will be meat for the vultures if Mnangagwa ever catch them.

A few weeks ago, someone managed to smuggle former VP Joice Mujuru to see the deposed dictator Robert Mugabe. Mnangagwa reaction was typical of the man; he was outraged and back was the language of intolerance and murder. “Pasi nemhandu!” (Death with traitors!) he thundered a few days later.

Only an apologist and sycophant like Nick Mnangagwa would want to falsify history and reality and describe Mnangagwa a compassionate man. There is not a single drop of compassionate blood in that man!

“What then guides us is our sense of right or wrong stemming from how we were raised, our religious beliefs or simply who we are. The attitude President Mnangagwa (affectionately known as ED) has brought to the office has made a clear message that it’s not enough for Zimbabweans to survive but they can thrive. ED is normalising compassion in public. If this were to be the only thing that the new dispensation achieves it still would have achieved much. But then they are already performing well and beyond this,” wrote the sycophant in Bulawayo 24.

“We are moulded by our uniqueness and life experiences. We bring that to our work and into our judgments. An example is that ED decided to pay the tragically deceased Morgan Tsvangirai a visit to his house. Not only that but to pay for his medicals bills, give him back a diplomatic passport, pay him a gratuity and pension and now make the government pick the tab for his repatriation and burial. Anyone who has repatriated the remains of a loved one from a foreign country knows how expensive the cost is and how trying the process is. But the government took it upon itself to make it easy for the family.”

Tsvangirai had to travel to SA for treatment; like many, many other Zimbabwe including Robert Mugabe who has had to go to Singapore for something as simple as eye check-up as many as 12 time a year @ US$ 3 million a trip; because Zimbabwe’s health service has all but collapsed. Nick can praise Mnangagwa’s generosity in using public funds to pay for Tsvangirai and Mugabe’s health bills but what about the millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who cannot afford to travel outside the country. Hundreds if not thousands of new born babies are dying every month across the country for want of something as simple as an incubator. What compassion has Mnangagwa ever shown for them?

“It’s not enough for Zimbabweans to survive but they can thrive,” the nincompoop Mnangagwa insist. For decades now this Zanu PF regime has wasted billions of dollars a year send the lucky few outside the country for their education or health needs starving the country’s own institutions of the funds and thus they collapse. Ever since he assumed power in November 2017, ED has continued with the criminal waste of the nation’s material and human resources. How can the people survive without even the most basic health service? How can the nation thrive when many of our University graduates can hardly write one sentence without making a syntax error much less make sense?

For the record, Nick Mangwana, ED is not being generous to the late MDC leader, Tsvangirai. ED is thanking MDC leaders for their generosity. It is no secret that if MDC leaders had implemented the democratic reforms designed to stop Zanu PF rigging elections during the GNU Zanu PF’s reign would have ended in 2013.

Then President Mugabe bribed the MDC leaders’ the trappings of high office including a former white-owned farm for Welshman Ncube and $4 million mansion for Tsvangirai. In return, the MDC leaders kicked the raft of democratic reforms agreed with SADC leaders in the 2008 Global Political Agreement that gave rise to the GNU.

“Zanu-PF is noticeably rebranding itself and its cadres and activists have to be rebranding in tune to it. Gone are the days where there was a need to play on the fears of others. The membership has to shift in tandem with the party shifts. The party has the incumbency and naturally it needs to protect power. But the best way of protecting power is to listen to the needs of Zimbabweans and deliver socio-economic outcomes for everyone not only partisan or sectarian interests. That takes compassion. It also takes compassion on all both sides of the political divide to ensure that there is no politics of fear and alarmism,” Mangwana argued.

“Gone are the days where there was a need to play on the fears of others.” This is the closest a seasoned Zanu PF thug and apologist like Nick will ever come to admitting that Zanu PF is a party of ruthless thugs given to vote rigging, murder and coup to retain power at all cost.

Zanu PF is “rebranding itself,” as Nick rightly said. Rebranding is a far cry from democratic reforms the nation has been dying for. It is resisting all pressure to implement the reforms because “it needs to protect power”, as Nick readily admitted.

“A few days ago, Vice President Chiwenga said that all 84 registered parties in Zimbabwe will be invited to State House to discuss the forthcoming elections,” said Nick.

“This compassionate politics has moved us from the hate filled contestations of the past to a problem-solving collaborative politics of the new dispensation. Like said before those entrenched in the hate speech politics of yesteryear are struggling to redefine their roles in this new approach.”

Well some things in the old Zanu PF have been carried over to this compassionate new Zanu PF; opposition leaders are still getting preferential treatment being denied their supporters. Whilst party leaders enjoy food and drink at State House the ordinary Zimbabweans are being reminded that if Zanu PF lost the coming elections they will pay dearly for it.

It was none other than the “compassionate” ED himself who bought a new truck for each of the 282 Chiefs (there is no money to buy ambulance for even the District hospitals but there is $12 million for the trucks). The Chiefs are expected to frog march rural voters to attend Zanu PF rallies and then vote for the party.

The State House all party meeting will discuss everything the party leaders wish except democratic reforms, Zanu PF will not brook anything threatening its carte blanche powers to rig elections and stay in power.

Still after the November 2017 coup President Mnangagwa knows too well his regime is illegitimate and he has promised to hold free, fair and credible elections; not out of compassion for the long suffering and oppressed people of Zimbabwe but political necessity to regain legitimacy. He and his fellow Zanu PF thugs know only too well that they cannot hold on to power and hold free and fair elections. They have decided to hold on to power and hence the reason they are stubbornly refused to implement even one of 2008 GPA democratic reforms.

President Mnangagwa is on an all-out charm offensive with SADC, AU and the international community to promote Zanu PF as a new dispensation that accepts rule of law and will hold free and fair elections. Meanwhile do not implement even one reforms to make this possible but bribe the country’s corrupt and incompetent opposition leaders to contest the elections regardless how flawed and illegal the process happens to be.

With not even one meaningful reform in place the coming elections will NOT be free, fair and credible, of that we can be certain. SADC, AU and the international community is sick and tired of Zanu PF’s vote rigging, murders and coup especially SADC who know that another rigged election in Zimbabwe threatens to destabilise the country and the region. President Mnangagwa is banking all his hopes of getting away with yet another rigged election on the country’s opposition politicians cooperation with the regime – read opposition selling-out on free and fair elections just MDC leaders sold-out during the GNU.

“Mnangagwa’s compassionate politics good for the country!” Nick Mangwana tells us. Zimbabwe is in this hell-on-earth situation because corruption has ruled the nation for the last four decades. What Mnangagwa is doing is bribing the corrupt opposition politicians just as Mugabe has bribed Zanu PF and MDC leaders before him. This is not compassionate politics, but good old corruption politics and it is not good for the country! Only a confuse and idiotic apologist will mistake corruption for compassion.