Chamisa Rehearsing For State House, “Inspects Guard Of Honour” Daily
9 May 2018
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MDC-T vanguard inspected daily by chants Chamisa

By Paul Nyathi|Confident opposition MDC-T leader Nelson Chamisa says that he is already preparing to be the President of the country and is rehearsing inspecting the guard of honour everyday.

Addressing Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom on Monday, Chamisa said that he does not want to make diplomatic etiquette blunders and embarass himself as did his predecessor MDC-T founding President Morgan Tsvangirai.

Said Chamisa: “Ini ndiri kugadzirira; ndiri kunetseka mazuva ano. Every morning, ndiri kumuka ndichidzidzira kuti kana wakuita guard of honour unoiita sei. Mudhara Tsvangirai iyo nyaya yekusadzidzira iyi akazombouya kuna (Angela) Merkel (Germany Chancellor), Merkel ari kuenda nekuku, idzo dziri kuenda nekuku.

“Ndobva ndati ko chiiko change chakuitika? Zvikanzi ‘haa zvinonetsa mhani izvi! (I am preparing; I am troubled these days. Every morning, I wake up practicing how to inspect a guard of honour. Tsvangirai, through not practicing, once came to visit Merkel (Angela), and while Merkel was going this way, he was going the other way. And I later asked him what had gone wrong and he said: “This is difficult”),” Chamisa said.