Bread Price Shoots To $ 16
17 October 2019
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THE Consumer Rights Association says bread is now beyond the reach of many consumers as retailers this week increased the price of bread to almost $16 a loaf from around $10.

A snap survey by our Bulawayo Bureau yesterday revealed that bread was not available in most retail outlets.

Consumer Rights Association spokesperson Mr Effie Ncube said they were troubled by the continuous increases in the cost of basic commodities including bread which was now beyond the reach of consumers.

“We are very much concerned about the ever-increasing cost of basic commodities, like bread that has been priced beyond the reach of the majority of the people of Zimbabwe.

“As a result, in the morning everyday where you are supposed to have bread on the table, people are not affording that, so children are going to school without bread; spending the whole day without food,” he said.

According to the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, the Poverty Datum Line for a family of five as at the end of August was pegged at $1, 826,99 while a majority of middle-income earners were earning slightly above $1 000.

Leading bakery, Bakers Inn, a business unit of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed Simbisa Brands had its bread sold at $15,65 by major supermarkets in the Central Business District.State media