Bishop Magaya Reprimands “Unrepentant” Mnangagwa
12 January 2021
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Tinashe Sambiri|Outspoken cleric, Bishop Ancelimo Magaya has exhorted church leaders to distance themselves from Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa’s “evil” regime.

In a statement on Monday, Bishop Magaya said the church should not strengthen the hands of the evil regime.

Read full statement below:

“If you return oh Israel ( Zimbabwe) declares the Lord, to me you should return. If you remove your detestable things from my presence and do not waver, and if you swear as the Lord lives in truth, in justice and in righteousness, then nations shall bless themselves in him and in him shall they glory ” ( Jeremiah 4 vs 1 and 2).

The so much sought for socio economic bliss can only be realised if Zimbabwe is solidly anchored on truth, justice and righteousness.

We should remove all detestable practices from the presence of God. These include arresting people on the basis of non existing laws, looting and monopolising natural resources, lynching with impunity, rule by law and not rule of law, framing mischief using the law ( Psalm 94 vs 20) and then convine national days of prayer and fasting where non repentant people raise hands that are dripping with blood before God.

Prophet Jeremiah together with many other ancient prophets makes it clear that it is only when we put truth, mercy and justice first that the nation can truly move towards socio- economic transformation. This is the message that the church should unequivocally continue to reiterate. Failure to do so the church would be guilty of strengthening the hands of evil doers ( Jeremiah 23 vs 14b).

God Save Zimbabwe!

Emmerson Mnangagwa