Tinashe Sambiri|Outspoken Zanu PF activist, Sybeth Musengezi, has said Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa is too old to lead the nation.
Mr Mnangagwa turned 80 yesterday.
Musengezi, known for openly challenging Mr Mnangagwa’s legitimacy, argues the Zanu PF leader is a liability to the nation.
“Mnangagwa turned 80 y/day. Some Cdes are saying since he wants 5 more years as ‘president’ let’s give him.
This means he’ll finish his 2nd unproductive term when he is 86. For me it’s a big NO
Considering our economy, it’s very foolish to let someone this old determine our future,” Musengezi wrote on Twitter.
He further accused Mr Mnangagwa of plotting to kill him.
“I’ve seen a sudden influx of unmarked twincabs coming to my house.
Not sure if my house is now a tourist attraction for cars without number plates.
Whoever is sending the guys must stop wasting resources and put them to good use.
Kana pane zvamoda kuita ingotii ga ga ga tione.”