I Didn’t See Marry Chiwenga Pulling Cables: CIO
12 April 2023
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Mary Mubaiwa’s trial on charges of attempting to kill her ex husband, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga by unplugging the hospital life support system and attempting to sneak him out of the ward continued yesterday, with the third security officer giving his testimony.

Mr Andrew Mugari, who was one of the security officers who accompanied Vice President Chiwenga to South Africa to seek medication in 2019, appeared before magistrate Ms Feresi Chakanyuka.

During cross-examination by Mubaiwa’s lawyer, Ms Beatrice Mtetwa, he said he saw VP Chiwenga at the door, going outside the hospital ward with Mubaiwa behind him.

Mr Mugari said he did not see who removed the tubes from the VP’s body and all he knew was that they were just the two, Mubaiwa and the VP in the ward, so they were the only ones who knew who removed the tubes. He helped VP Chiwenga back to his bed and called a nurse who came and reattached the tubes.

Mr Mugari said he saw some blood stains under Vice President’s bed and on the right side of the t-shirt that he was wearing.
Yesterday, the third security officer testified in Mary Mubaiwa’s trial on charges that she tried to assassinate Vice President Constantino Chiwenga by turning off the hospital’s life support system and sneaking him out of the ward.
Vice President Chiwenga travelled to South Africa in 2019 to get medication, and one of the security guards with him was Mr. Andrew Mugari. He appeared before magistrate Ms. Feresi Chakanyuka.

He claimed, on cross-examination by Mubaiwa’s attorney, Ms. Beatrice Mtetwa, to have seen VP Chiwenga leaving the hospital ward with Mubaiwa following behind him at the door.

Mubaiwa and the VP were the only two present, according to Mr. Mugari, who claimed he did not observe who took the tubes from the VP’s body.

“I did not show it to hospital staff,” he said. “If I did not wash it, this would have caused an incident.”

Mr Mugari managed to take a photograph of the stained t-shirt.

The trial continues on April 25.

Prosecutor Mr Ephraim Zinyandu asked for time to prepare for the re-examining of the witness since he was not the leading prosecutor when the trial commenced.

There was a little bit of misunderstanding between the State and Ms Mtetwa as the State was objecting to the manner in which she was questioning Mr Mugari.

When Ms Chakanyuka tried to intervene and bring the house to order, Ms Mtetwa asked Ms Chakanyuka not to interfere and the court had to adjourn for a while.- state media