Tendai Biti Uses Zwizwai Funeral To Say Tshabangu MP Gangs Mustn’t Be Criticised Cause They “Helped Chamisa” At One Time | FULL TEXT
6 June 2024
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“I got hurt by people who try to desecrate the legacy of Murisi Zwizwai in this struggle; by people who try to delegitimise the legacy of Murisi @murisizwizwai2 in the struggle. There is no struggle for change; There is no history of our struggle without Murisi Zwizwai. He was there leading from the front; I was looking at my pictures. My iPhone keeps memories of all the occasions of history, the memorials that we used to hold. Murisi Zwizwai was always there. There was a story that was always told of how the MDC Alliance was built. There is a story that has not been told of the transition from Morgan Tsvangirai to Nelson Chamisa and the role that Murisi Zwizwai played.

I am not the most qualified to tell that story, but I remember being called up at my office in Milton Park. I was called up by Chalton Hwende, and Murisi Zwizwai and told to go to the Flowers-The Maruwa. We did not go to the Maruwa to the front, we went to the back. Things had gone bad at that time. We knew that the president was not coming back from South Africa. Things were now horrible. Hwende and Murisi Zwizwai both said things are now terrible. We must now do this and that, but as I said, I’m not the most qualified to speak of the transition from Morgan Tsvangirai to Nelson Chamisa, which makes what happened to him more unbearable. You understand what I’m saying? The ingratitude, our lack of empathy given the role that was played by Murisi Zwizwai. So we apologise to the Murambwi family for the injustices that this party caused to Murisi Zwizwai…”