Didymus Mutasa Calls on President Zuma, SADC to Deal With Mugabe
14 December 2014
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Harare – Former Zimbabwe presidential minister Didymus Mutasa has called on President Jacob Zuma to alert other southern African governments about the ruling Zanu-PF’s congress last week in which he said he and vice-president Joice Mujuru were sacked from their posts undemocratically.
“We refuse to be chucked out of Zanu-PF which some of us have been in for 57 years,” Mutasa said on Saturday from India, where his wife is having medical treatment.
“We fought for ‘one man, one vote’ majority rule, which is not provided for in the current Zanu-PF constitution adopted at the 6th congress,” Mutasa said. “It gives all votes to the president alone and violates the supreme law of the country. It is therefore null and void, all that transpired at the 6th congress.”
He added: “We call on Zanu-PF to work as it was before the 6th congress which was itself unlawful,” Mutasa said. He was referring to the fact that loyalists of President Robert Mugabe and opponents of Mujuru had unilaterally changed the procedures for electing top party officials just before the congress.
Where before the top officials had always been elected by delegates at the congress, this year the party’s constitution was changed to give Mugabe the sole power.
“We appeal to SADC to adopt our position,” Mutasa said on Saturday, referring to the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the southern African inter-governmental body of which both South Africa and Zimbabwe are members.
He also appealed “to Zimbabweans to remain peaceful as we strive for the democracy that we fought for”. South Africa, on behalf of SADC, mediated the regional efforts to resolve Zimbabwe’s political crisis which came to a head in the 2008 elections when the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and its leader Morgan Tsvangirai beat Zanu-PF and Mugabe but were never allowed to assume power.
Then President Thabo Mbeki mediated negotiations among Zanu-PF and the two MDC parties for a power-sharing government which ostensibly ran Zimbabwe from 2009 until elections last year, although Zanu-PF never really relinquished control.
Zuma took over from Mbeki and mediated negotiations among the three Zimbabwe parties to try to secure a level political playing field for the 2013 elections but never really succeeded as they were held under conditions highly favourable to Zanu-PF.
Mugabe and Zanu-PF won by a landslide.
Mutasa was in charge of the vast Central Intelligence Organisation and reported directly to Mugabe as its unaudited funds come from the presidential budget.
A columnist in a privately owned Harare newspaper on Friday described Mutasa, one of Mugabe’s most loyal insiders, as one of the main “grovellers” in the cabinet prior to his dismissal last Tuesday.
Mutasa , from the eastern Manicaland province, was often accused by human rights groups and local opposition supporters of organising violence against them since the MDC emerged late 1999.
Mutasa, who has grabbed several farms from white farmers near Rusape since 2000, has allowed one evicted white farmer to grow tobacco for him on the farm Coldstream.
A Zimbabwe columnist, known as Muckraker, had little sympathy for the plight of Mujuru and her supporters. “Why didn’t Mujuru stand firm (against) violence in the ruling party… and why wouldn’t she realise Zimbabweans wanted clean water, electricity and decent life while she was on the gravy train?” he asked on Friday.
Independent Foreign Service

24 Replies to “Didymus Mutasa Calls on President Zuma, SADC to Deal With Mugabe”

  1. Can’t make up my mind who is the stupidist donkey, Mugabe Zuma or mbeki ??? – so I’ll settle on all 3 baboons. Sadcc stands for southern Afrikaner destroyed by corruption

  2. Kikiki mutasa wants that fake mbeki to ” mediate ‘ for him ? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-rare. Just rot away zpuffs

  3. nhasi zvarwadza nokuti ndiwe wadzinga. Silly oldman you now talk about democracy which you yourself never practiced. You must feel how other Zimbabweans felt and still feeling when they left the country becoz of you and your greed cdes and zanu yenyu. Feel how painful it is to just get up and leave everything you have worked for becoz of zanu pf. Well it mighty not payne you that much coz you acquire your wealth thru corruption and illegal dealings. Hope no country will give you assylum so u can face you boss bob back home and so u can also go to chikubi were u will not need to worry about rent its for free bhururu.

  4. If Mutasa said so then this is good news. Zuma cannot and will not of course change or interfer into Zanupf affairs but SADC has been told. If Mutasa said it that is good news for Zimbabweans even the majority who do not support the Mugabe family. It is the Zanla gallant fighters who fought democracy and freedom and not packs from Grace Mugabe’s kitchen.

  5. Mmmmmmm Nyathi kana makataura izvi marashika. Handifungi hangu kuti munhu aive minister kuma CIO angatsva ma fuse kusvika apa. Arikutambwa dhodhi murume uyu. Pane arikuda kumupedzisa politically

  6. Consider that neither Zuma nor South Africa can have anything to do with the internal politics of Zim Patriots, this asinine appeal to Zuma comes across as an MDC-Traitors/pale devils project. lol
    Especially when we consider that Mhondoro Mugabe is head of SADC, Mutasa would have known to appeal to Magnanimous Mugabe himself, and not to a useless ‘foreign leader’. lol

  7. Since when it dawned to Mutasa that there was no democracy in Zanu Pf? The old man must just keep his mouth closed, otherwise we will invade all his farms. He lost election into the central committee but now is beginning to bark from India.

  8. Stupid Mutasa, stupid. In 2004 when the ZANU pf constitution was amended by a small group of people led by Solomon Mujuru to out manuevere Mnangagwa who had 8 out of 10 provinces, why did you not walk out of that party? Well because of course you were on the in-favour-team. Now the shoe has fallen off and no, no, no – it is suddenly undemocratic. If I were you I would shut up, shower in cold water for some time – who knows, maybe one day Mudara Bob will shine a light on your fortunes again. Stupid Mutasa, selfish Mutasa, prostitute Mutasa.

  9. Maybe we would want to interrogate Chombo and Mpofu’s wealth. Do we remember what happened to the anti-corruption team when it went for Kasukuwere…even Mujuru ‘s allegations are very shallow and speculative, I feel real corruption by Mujuru is not reported . No one in ZANU is prepared to talk and expose corruption because everyone there is guilty.

  10. Unogwara Mutasa nhasi hari yemasvusvu yofazhira kumeso kwake hoda vanhu vokuzhe vagadzirise . Ngaazive kuti zviya zvavaita cheMatama chedu , internal problems need to be solved by Zimbabwean not to go and cry to extrernal forces . Hativadi vamiriri vokuzhe ngaadzoke vagadzirise voga musangano weMhondi nembavha

  11. You called us western puppets just barely 3months ago for complaining over the same since 2000, can some green bomber visit this confused old man pliz.

  12. Are you not free to mention other corrupt cases that are real? Tell us and the press. Why are Gamatoxists quiet about their enemies corruption cases also? The DAILY NEWS can report them daily!

  13. “We fought for one man one vote” no this can’t be dhiziri gamatox talking This must be a sick joke. Mutasa you deserve worse than what you got. You are a heartless beast.

  14. Intra party processes can not be interferred with by outsiders or the courts unless if they are breaking the law. So Didymus Mutasa is now mad…so desperate because he had invested so much in the Joice Mujuru project

  15. Whilst we harp on Mujuru’s corruption, why are we not doing the same for other leaders? If we are truly demanding clean governance, we should subject to more scrutiny those who in govt today. Failure to do that, means all this noise about corruption is a charade. And the common man, including you, continue to suffer whilst the politicians smile all the way to the bank

  16. Technically, can Zuma or SA force the reversal of endorsements made by a foreign ruling party to its own constitution to suit aggrieved party members of the same party? And if reports that you, Mr Mutasa begged and tried to curry favour with the president at the last minute are true , then whose interests are you really trying to advance here? Because you have now been thrust into the hallmark of the ordinary who are us, you pander that we refuse to let the powers that be associate you with us. On your way up, be good to the people you meet, for you will meet the very same people on your way coming down. How true that statement has come to be.

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