Mnangagwa: I Will Not Revenge
14 December 2014
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Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said he will not seek to punish so called Joice Mujuru supporters and haters who “attempted to assassinate” him last Wednesday. He signaled he will neither revenge on his rival for the Presidency Joice Mujuru the state media alleges was trying to assassinate President Robert Mugabe.
Mnangagwa saying his escape from the Wednesday (last week) morning cyanide attack meant God still wanted him alive, repeatedly emphasised that he will pursue forgiveness and unity, in a speech analysts charge that it was just a borrowed sermon of Bishop Andrew Wutaunashe of the Family Of God church who is currently advising him.
“We dislodged the British who were oppressing us and this was achieved in 1980. Since then, we have been a sovereign state. We have been advocating unity. We want people to love and protect each other,” he told the State Media.
He continued, “the fact that I have received some threats on my life has nothing to do with our focus to unite our people, protect each citizen’s life.
“The sense of revenge is satanic. What happened does not affect bold people like us. The fact that I did not die means that it was not my time to die. When God’s time comes, no man born of a woman shall escape.”
On Tuesday night, intruders sneaked into Mnangagwa’s offices at Zanu-PF headquarters in Harare and sprinkled a poison on the floor and furniture.
His secretary,  Catherine Magaya, who was the first to enter the room on Wednesday morning, collapsed instantly upon inhaling the powder.
She is admitted at Harare’s West End Hospital.
Two other people – a driver,  Dzingai Mutasa, and a member of the President’s Office – were also admitted after inhaling the substance.
Magaya has said she has witnessed several bizarre occurrences in her boss’s office prior to Zanu-PF’s 6th National People’s Congress.
She recounted how a rock fell “from nowhere, landing on shef’s (chief’s) desk” and missed her head by just an inch.
Magaya also related another incident in which she twisted her neck while in what she described as a trance after opening VP Mnangagwa’s office door.
Police are investigating the poisoning case.
He was addressing State Media journalists at Queen of Peace Psychiatric and Rehabilitation Centre in Gweru.
Borrowed Speech   
Meanwhile analysts charged against Mnangagwa saying he is a very vengeful man who was merely reciting a speech of his spiritual advisor Bishop Andrew Wutaunashe.
“He is just reciting what he has been told by pastor Wutaunashe,” said the South Africa based Stanca Dhliwayo.
“I have attended Wutaunashe’s church services and anyone in the church will tell you those are the Prophet’s words,” he added.

8 Replies to “Mnangagwa: I Will Not Revenge”

  1. Death of Zanu Pf cadres goes a long way back so its just the way it is, not all can be winners. Good advice “Jojo siyana nazvo”

  2. Pawakauraya Rex Nhongo was it the lord’s time. You and Bob knew very well that Rex was an impediment to remove Joice and you burnt him alive. He who lives by a sword dies by a sword. Shit!

  3. It sound as if you know who wanted to kill you Mr Ngwena, if you talk of revenge because you are not going to do a Herudhe and kill every suspect of yours.
    Well if you know who the perpetrator is just tell the police and they will deal with them through the courts, no space for revenge there.
    Unless you know what we don’t!

  4. Ngwena stop being stupid. There are no known investigations, no known suspects in the process of being brought to law and no known convicted culprits. So, where is revenge going to be effected exactly, except the whole story was actually cooked up in the first place to provide an excuse for political purging of perceived enemies. Having been doing hatchet jobs for 34 years we know you still have a hangover and would want to deal with the ‘enemy’ in the way you know best…physical elimination

  5. Wow. Muggersboy/grace now have the perfect excuse to go on a bloodletting cull . Two ” assassination” attempts need to be ” investigated ” . Take no prisoners. 2 ‘ attempts ‘ on 2 vice-pressiesin 2 days. A perfect storm for the biggest commie-era night of the long knives. Let the blood fest commence in the cannibal eat cannibal party

  6. Just for your own information Mnangagwa those who tried to assassinate you with that powder are not from Mujuru sympathisers or have got anything to do with Mujuru. This I know 100% because I an A Messenger Of God. When The Lord God Jesus Christ comes you shall indeed be shocked to know who it is. Like I said I Am A Messenger Of God and I know. Messenger Of God

  7. Mr VP you are now dealing with Solo after what you did to his wife Munhu akafa haarowi look at what is happening to our departed comrades

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