Video Of Makandiwa Allegedly “Playing With Demons” In Anointing Oil Trances | OPINION
2 April 2018
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Which Spirit Is Makandiwa Using To Replace God’s Spirit In People’s Bodies?

By Julius Western| Don’t Judge Me – But this is what I think about Emmanuel Makandiwa and his Oil. 

So there are pictures that have gone viral on Facebook, and everyone is talking about them (For obvious reasons – they are outrageous). They are from some sort of meetings held by a preacher from Zimbabwe in Africa, called Emmanuel Makandiwa, believed to be a prophet. He has an accommodation facility where he meets different people from around the world called Life Haven. Why hundreds of people gather from far and wide to have to then lay down scattered all over the floor lifelessly – who knows. It is very unusual to say the least!

Lets talk abit about these pictures people – But before we do, here’s abit about me, I’m from Milwauke Wisconsin, USA (I’ve never been to Africa – hope to some day), I believe in God, I do go to church, and I know enough to challenge a wrong ideology concerning my faith, especially when I smell a rat. That being said, these pictures caught my attention and I feel I need to really take time to air my views on this one. Something I don’t normally do. (Here are the pictures if you haven’t had a look at them:

Right – When you take a very close look at the pictures above, you ask yourself a lot of questions, and the predominant one being, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE? You’ve got an entire room with hundreds of people (adults for that matter) lying flat on the floor as though they are unconsciuos. All of whom seem to be in some sort of comatose (There’s even a video circulating about it – check out this link: ). Men and women alike. Its so bewildering to the point where that troubling question relentless continues to play over and over again in your mind, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE? You’ll go further to try and understand – these are adults, all lying on the floor unashamed, surely this could not have been rehearsed, there is no way you can get this number of people on the floor together in some sort of weird gimmick to trick whoever sees these images (this thinking is justified – we’ve seen a lot of Pastors doing strange things for attention – but not at this scale, with so many people). Lets say this is true, if its a sick joke and these people are in on it – what are they trying to achieve really?

So, in the video (link above) Emmanuel Makandiwa comes out saying (paraphrasing) – He had been asking God for a long time if there was a way that people could prophecy about their own lives for themselves without him prophesying to them, then God told him that there are options in the spirit. He then introduced an anointing oil – which he called the Separation Anointing Oil (a biblical concept that we all know is rightly aligned with scripture, its found in both the New and Old Testament – so no argument there). God then instructed him to transfer his spiritual gift of the ability to see visions about the past, present and future by the Holy Spirit (much like how he prophesies), into the Anointing Oil, and then giving it to the Body of Christ.

Already as I was listening to this – Alarms went off in my head – how can you put a spiritual gift in something physical – is this even biblical???

It gets even more bizarre – He said, when he sprays this Oil onto someone’s forehead their spirit separates from their body, as if they are dead, and yet they are alive, in an unconscious, trance state. Then they will instantly begin to see various visions about themselves and their lives -prophetically. As if that’s not enough – this oil when it was making contact with the people’s skin as he was administering it – just a few drops of it and they were falling uncontrollably to the floor and becoming unconscious within a fraction of a second, from then on, they were gone – even their faces were blank and expressionless as if they were no longer there.

(PAUSE: OK OK – at this point, I’m scratching my head going – yeah right, there’s a chemical in there thats making the people faint like that- and anyway, an anaesthetist can do the same thing with a patient on an operating table)

These people were falling flat on the ground and after several minutes they would come back and confess to having had spiritual experiences – visions of their lives, their loved ones, their God intended careers, business opportunities – single women were even claiming to have seen their future husbands – just like that.

Visibly you could see that there were more than 500 people in that room waiting for their turn, one after the other they were being sprayed with that Oil on the forehead. And each one followed suit, not one person was left standing, all 500+ of those people went into trances

(At this point it was getting really weird for me – this was the highest level of deception I’d ever seen)

At the end of the video you see Emmanuel Makandiwa giving each person their own bottle of Oil to go and use for themselves at their homes. (How can you do that if it actually doesn’t work – very risky move – but I’ve been following their movements on their facebook account – – and each week new groups of people are being given that Oil to go with back to their homes)

I’ve read books about Men of God (bible included), but nothing of this kind has ever happened. To those who saw these happenings and believed them, forgive me for seeming so critical and borderline cynical about the possibility of Oil making people fall asleep in a matter of seconds and letting them see into the spiritual realm. Allow me to take you through my journey of my thoughts regarding the possibility of this idea being remotely possible.

I did a lot of digging into this video about the effect this Oil had on these people, searching in and out of scripture. I went as far as consulting with Dr Mark Adams the head anaesthesiologist at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Centre (Milwaukee), as well as other specialist doctors with expertise in human consciousness.

My enquiry was motivated by this one question – WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?

Many times people launch arguments that are baseless and have no intelligence. I’ll try and lodge in my sentiments here, I know many of you have also gone in-depth in trying to quantify or expel these strange occurrences in Emmanuel Makandwia’s meetings.

Here’s what I found:
Lets look at it from three angles: 1. Spiritual (which is scripture) 2. Medical (scientific research) and 3. Physical (our human laws of operation)
On the Spiritual front:
Emmanuel Makandiwa was claiming to be able to place his spiritual gift in Oil. Mind you, Oil is physical NOT spiritual matter. Based on scripture can this exchange happen?
According to scripture Men of God used physical objects which contained a virtue from their spirit, and anyone who got into contact with those objects would access something of a spiritual gift and value from them. We see this from the Old Testament right into the New Testament.

In 2 Kings 2 vs 13, Elisha picks up the mantle of Elijah when Elijah had been taken up by the chariot of fire. When he did so, he immediately performed his first recorded miracle. He took the mantle of Elijah and used it to split the river Jordan. A feat only possible because of the mantle from Elijah, a physical mantle with Elijah’s spiritual virtue. When placed in the hands of Elisha could allow Elisha to perform this miracle.
This same Elisha later died and was buried, and in 2 Kings 13 vs 21 a man was being buried in the grave of Elisha, and as soon as he made contact with Elisha’s physical bones the man was raised from the dead. Just by making contact with Elisha’s physical bones which had his spiritual virtue, the man was raised from the dead.

In the New Testament, handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched the body of Apostle Paul would heal the sick and diseases and evil spirits would leave people in Ephesus, we find this in Acts 19 vs 12. A physical object would carry Apostle Paul’s spiritual virtue, and that virtue in physical objects such as handkerchiefs and aprons would give people the gift of health, eradication of diseases and evil spirits.

Even Jesus himself – in John 9 vs 6, Jesus took a blind man and placed mud and saliva in his eyes to perform a miracle to heal the blind man’s eyes. Jesus transferred his spiritual virtue into the physical mud and saliva, and when they made contact with the blind man’s eyes, his eyes could then see. This was the transference of the gift of sight to the blind man, through the mud and saliva.

Does this argument hold weight on the physical front where we have human laws in place:
I looked at the world economies and I found that some economies run on what is known as the gold standard. This means countries measure the strength of their local currency by the amount of gold they have stored up. So, instead of walking around with the gold and using it directly as their medium of daily exchange to purchase goods, this gold is placed aside and these countries print paper notes instead, and to these paper notes they were given a value according to the amount of gold value assigned to it. So a specific value is conferred on the paper notes based upon the gold which cannot be presently seen, but is represented by the paper money. In the same light, the gold is that spiritual gift, and the paper money plays the role of the Oil. The spiritual gift is conferred on a physical object such as Oil, and this Oil becomes a physical tool that works as a conduit that carries the spiritual gift.

Now, from a medical stand point a person can be chemically induced into seemingly the same unconscious, trance like state, but the key defining feature would be, does the person experience anything in that state – be it a dream or a spiritual experience.
it is reported that people who come back from commas only remember the last moments before they are induced and they have no experiences whilst they are induced. Often times such experiences can be noted by random eye movement (REM) that occurs during the 4th stage of a standard sleeping cycle. This stage of deep sleep is characterised by dreams and the brain waves slow down and become much larger. Therefore; when a person is chemically induced into a comma and they become unconscious they do not have any dreams or out of body experiences,

The only time a patient has any such experiences is when they have near death experiences where they confess of having out of body experiences. Apart from that there are no such activities that take place. Contrary to this the Oil administered by Emmanuel Makandiwa made the people fall unconscious and these individuals had out of body experiences immediately – as they confessed to seeing various kinds of visions and dreams whilst they were unconscious because of the Oil.

In addition it takes several minutes for any drug to enter into the human system and induce an unconscious state in such a short space of time, whether it is adminstered oraly, by injection, by inhalation, topically, through the Rectal or vagina. With the Oil, the people who received it fell unconcious immediately after it was applied on them. Working faster than any known drug.

Aside from these perspectives on chemical induction – different people react differently to comma inducing chemicals depending on various physiological and hormonal qualities they uniquely possess. So an anaesthesiologist prepares specialised doses for every individual who is induced – no two people are compatible and stabilised with the same dosages. However you find that Emmanuel Makandiwa appeared to spray every individual the same dosage/amount of the Oil and their responses were the same, a sudden – immediate loss of consciousness.

This then left me questioning my notion that this Oil was some sort of chemical and these people where somehow chemically induced into an unconscious state. If this was the case Emmanuel Makandiwa would not have gone further to allow people to leave with their own bottles so that they could continue with the experiences at their homes – So it wasn’t about that one bottle he was holding and using to spray the people – it is in every single bottle that comes from him to the people. Giving people that Oil was going to be a very risky move if it was a scam, because people would never come back for more – but since I found out about this story, I’ve been following up with the events occurring at Emmanuel Makandiwa’s venue of choice for these experiences – “Life Haven” ( – and every weekend people flood the place asking for more of that Special Oil. This Oil goes above and beyond any chemical known to mankind.

As much as it surprised me, my small case study of this bizarre video led me to these shocking results. By Scripture, yes a Man of God can transfer his virtue in form of a spiritual gift into a physical object and that object can be used by any person to whom the Man of God gives it to. This object will serve the purpose that he would have sent it to do. As is the case here, the Oil used by Emmanuel Makandiwa to anoint, contains his prophetic spiritual gift that gives the people who come to his meetings the ability to access the spiritual realm and see the past, present and future for themselves without him having to physically prophecy to them.

With me being a Christian from the US, I’ve seen many games being played, a lot of so called Men and Women of God breaking the laws of God (Won’t mention names). With ministries riddled with lies, it was hard for me to see the truth for what it was. My only wish now is to experience this Oil for myself and be a part of those people who have met their destinies through Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.

I went from “What in the world is going on here” to “ALL I WANT IN THE WORLD IS TO BE THERE!”

These are just my thoughts, feel free to come up with your own conviction about the issue.

Thanks for reading! Share this truth with as many people as you can!