Landlord Demands Sex For Rent
28 April 2018
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The landlord from Bulawayo in Nkulumane, Admire Tshuma (31), sneaked into his tenant’s bedroom to offer her surprise sex.

It is alleged that Tshuma entered her tenant’s bedroom and asked for sexual favours but, his advances we rejected.

The tenant, Nyaradzo Murogodi (37), who seemed disturbed by her landlord’s behaviour narrated her ordeal when Tshuma appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Tancy Dube facing indecent assault charges as defined in Section 67 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23.Tshuma undressed in my room I was shocked and angry at the same time.

When I asked him what he was doing he couldn’t say much, he just asked me if we could finish what he had begun and just indulge in sex. I was so angry and I screamed for neighbours to come in and help me. He then forced the door open and ran like a crazy person,” she added.

Tshuma was sentenced to 300 hours of community service.- state media.