Man Kicks Wife To Death
12 June 2018
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Murder accused Ricardo Sheddon

By Paul Nyathi|A Bulawayo man has appeared in court on murder charge after he allegedly kicked his wife several times on the face and chest until she lost consciousness and eventually died.

The 50 year old man, Ricardo Staddon was arrested for the murder of Kim Caterina who died five days after he brutally attacked for undisclosed reasons.

Staddon was not asked to plead on the murder charge before Bulawayo magistrate Ms Adelaide Mbeure who remanded him in custody to June 24 for further investigations.

Prosecuting, Mr Maclean Ndlovu alleged that Staddon severely assaulted his wife on May 19 at Gainsborough, Barham Green until she collapsed.

“Staddon slapped and kicked Caterina with booted feet on the face and chest until she lost consciousness. She was taken to UBH where she was admitted until she passed away on May 24 at around 8PM,” he said.

“A post mortem which was conducted on May 28 showed that the assault was the cause of death.”