VP Mohadi Withdraws Wife Tambudzani From Aspiring Senators List
12 June 2018
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By Own Correspondent| Vice President Kembo Mohadi has reportedly withdrawn the candidature of his beleaguered wife Tambudzani two days before the Nomination Court sits.

According to sources privy to the developments, Tambudzani was reportedly withdrawn from contesting under the Zanu Pf ticket because she refused to sign divorce papers.

Zanu-PF Matabeleland South Province resolved to appoint provincial chairperson Rabelani Choene as the Beitbridge senatorial candidate instead of Vice President Kembo Mohadi’s wife Tambudzani Mohadi.

The move followed an unusual decision when Zanu-PF Matabeleland South Province rejected the list of parliamentary and senatorial candidates which came from the party’s national commissariat headed by retired Lieutenant General Engelbert Rugeje.

Speaking soon after a closed door meeting with Matabeleland South provincial leadership, Vice President Mohadi endorsed the move by the Provincial Coordinating Committee’s to draw a fresh list of candidates.

Said Mohadi: The PCC is the authentic body so they have the right to come out with the final list of their candidates. Those who are grumbling, there is nothing to grumble about, we are Zanu PF, we are not voting for individuals but the party. So your little battles are over.