Undenge Being Used As An Example
24 July 2018
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THE Government is committed to fighting corruption by public officials as evidenced by the jailing of former Cabinet Minister Samuel Undenge and more prosecutions of that nature will help fight against graft, the Acting Minister of  Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Simon Khaya Moyo said on Monday.

Addressing Zanu-PF supporters in Maphisa, Matobo District, Khaya Moyo who is also the party’s national secretary for information and publicity said some officials were driven by greed to engage in corrupt activities.

“We know there are thieves, not you but us.  I saw a former minister was sentenced to four years in jail, if they arrest 12 to 15 of us, you will see this country changing because what is affecting us is greed,” he said.

Moyo said before the amendment of the indigenisation law some officials were abusing the piece of legislation to push corrupt activities and amassing unreasonable amounts of wealth.

“You find a person with 12 houses alone boasting with ill gotten wealth, we say down with thieves,” he said.

Undenge, the former Energy and Power Development Minister who was accused of prejudicing the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) of $12 650, was last Friday sentenced to an effective two-and-a-half years in prison.

Undenge appeared before Harare regional magistrate Mr Hoseah Mujaya facing charges of abuse of office and was convicted after a full trial.

He was sentenced to four years in prison, with one-and-a-half years suspended on condition he does not commit a similar crime.

His lawyers have since appealed against the sentence.