High Court Ruling On Chamisa Senseless And Smells A Pure ZANU PF Agenda
9 May 2019
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Under siege, Nelson Chamisa

Dear ZimEye.com Editor|This High Court ruling on Nelson Chamisa leadership of the MDC is just senseless. No matter how much ZANU PF may try to clear its name out of the judgement everyone can tell that it smells of their influence on the judiciary.

No sane High Court judge could have come up with the kind of ruling unless there would be a gun to their head to make the ruling.

I thought the initial clear fact is that Nelson Chamisa is not the leader of the MDC-T that the High Court judge refers to. A court ruled sometime ago that Thokozani Khupe is the genuine leader of the MDC-T and made almost exactly the same inferences as with the current ruling.

MDC-T went on to hold its extra ordinary congress which the High Court judge says must be held. In that congress,  Khupe was elected as the new President of the MDC-T.

Khupe further went on to officially dismiss Chamisa from the MDC-T and also wrote to parliament asking for Chamisa to be recalled from the August house.

Now how else does Nelson Chamisa come into the leadership dispute of the MDC-T?

The judge in his judgement further stated that ALL endorsements that were made by Chamisa when he was Acting MDC President are duly declared null and void.

It is not clear what the judgement refers to here. If the spirit of the judgement is what it appears to be, then it means that all Members of Parliament who contested elections on Chamisa’s endorsement are invalid and may need to be removed from parliament prompting nearly fresh general elections in the country.

With all due respect to the judiciary system in the country,  this ruling calls for a strong nationwide voice to demand for the removal of ZANU PF influence into the operations of the courts.

Zandie Moyo ZimEye.com reader