Zimbabwe Police Dispel US State Department Security Claims On Zimbabwe
18 May 2019
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US Department Of State Declared Zimbabwe a non secure go area.

State Media|The Zimbabwe Republic Police has assured citizens and visitors that adequate security measures have been put in place to ensure peace and tranquillity continue to prevail countrywide. This comes after the United States issued a notice on Tuesday alleging there was rampant violent crimes and civil unrest in the country.

In a statement, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the country remains safe, peaceful and secure.

“Contrary to the Zimbabwe Travel Advisory Level 2 issued by the Americans recently, the Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to assure all Zimbabweans and visitors who include tourists to all parts of the country that the country remains safe, peaceful and secure.

“The ZRP is conducting general patrols, blitz, stop and search patrols in all Central Business Districts, industrial sites, residential areas and other places, which are usually frequented by the public with a view of getting rid of the malady of criminality,” he said.

Asst-Comm Nyathi said members of the public, including visitors should feel free to seek clarity on security matters from the ZRP on telephone numbers 0242-703631 national complaints desk, 0242-748836 for Harare Operations, 0292-885479 for Bulawayo Operations or WhatsApp number 0712800197.

In a notice titled “Zimbabwe Travel Advisory, Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution”, released on Tuesday, the US “warned” Americans to be vigilant in Zimbabwe “due to crime and civil unrest”.

“Violent crime, such as assault, carjacking, and home invasion, is common. Smashing the windows of cars with the intent to steal, which can harm the driver or passengers, is also common.

“Local police lack the resources to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents. Read the safety and security section on the country information page,” read the advisory.

In January this year, the Zimbabwe Republic Police deployed officers in all residential areas, shopping centres and the CBD to conduct patrols, surveillance and stop and searches, following some social media articles agitating Zimbabweans to engage in violence and unsanctioned demonstrations.

Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Cain Mathema has implored Zimbabweans to disregard the social media posts.

He advised security agencies to take action on some rogue groups who are circulating old doctored videos and pictures of purported violence and demonstrations on the pretext that this is currently taking place in Zimbabwe.

In August last year, Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda also assured the nation that the country remains safe and secure despite the recent politically motivated violence that erupted in Harare, a day after last year’s harmonised elections.

He said the ZDF would remain resolute in its support for the ZRP as it discharges its constitutional mandate.

Gen Sibanda said the country had continued to enjoy peace, security and stability during the harmonised elections and was determined to ensure such peace continues.

“Zimbabwe remains secure despite the recent politically motivated violence that erupted a day after the harmonised elections on 30 July, 2018,” he said.

“That notwithstanding, the country has continued to enjoy peace, security and stability during the harmonised elections.

“Had it not been for evil intentions of some opposition political players who went on to incite violent protests, unnecessary loss of life of six people who were caught up in the unfortunate shooting incidents could have been avoided.

“All the same, the Zimbabwe Defence Forces remain resolute in its support for the ZRP as they continue to fulfil their constitutional mandate of maintenance of law and order to ensure peace, security and stability in the country. People are therefore, assured that they should feel free to go about their usual business.”