Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day Statement :All You Need To Know To Enhance Your Health
20 February 2020
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Zimbabwe Online Health Centre

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps keep and improve people’s health and well being. It focuses on elements like: healthy eating, stop substance abuse and smoking, stress management, safe sexual behaviour and exercising regularly. All these elements are important for healthy living. A healthy lifestyle is a simple way with health insurance as illness and visits to a health practitioner are markedly reduced.

  1. Healthy eating: This is eating a meal that have all nutrients required by the body to function that is protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral salts. One should take heavy meals during the day and at night take smaller meals. Drink more water at least 2 litres per day unless specified by a doctor to limit the amount of fluids per day. Salt and oil when cooking should be adequate as these also contribute to diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. With health eating one should also consider weight management. One should have a BMI (body mass index) between 18.5 to 24.9.
  2. Stop smoking: Smoking is hazardous to health and is a risk factor for many cancers. Alcohol intake should be reduced. Binge drinking and using drugs should be stopped as it is not good for health.
  3. Stress management: People manage stress in different ways and peace of mind is required for healthy living. One should get enough sleep at least 6 to 8 continuous hours per day. Spend time with loved ones and if you have problems share with someone you trust or a counselor.
  4. Safe sexual behaviour: Sticking to one partner is safe and reduce the risk of contracting STIs. Always use a condom and reduce STIs and unplanw ned pregnancy.

5.Exercising: Regular exercise of at least 30mins to 1hour per day for 3 to 4 days per week can be adequate. Exercises differs from just walking to strenuous or anaerobic exercises.

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