Award Winning Rita Nyamupinga Blasts State Of Public Health Institutions After Zororo Makamba’s Death.
24 March 2020
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Rita Nyamupinga

Own Correspondent|Zimbabwean human rights defender and founder of Female Prisoners Support Trust Rita Nyampinga who was recently recognised as one of 12 International Woman of Courage (IWOC) Award winners for 2020 by the United States of America government has come out trailblazing at how the elite in Zimbabwe have been ignoring the decaying public health system until it was exposed when Zororo Makamba died of Coronavirus complications at Wilkins Hospital on Monday.

Commenting on facebook where pictures of the extremely dilapidated room at Wilkins Hospital where Zororo was admitted, Nyamupinga said that it was time the elite in the country understood the conditions that ordinary Zimbabweans are faced with everyday when they seek medical attention.

Pictures of the room at Wilkins Hospital where Zororo Makamba was admitted

Below is the comment Nyamupinga posted:

“The problem is that the elite never thought Covid-19 was coming. Our health infrastructure is intact but the elite thought it’s only the poor who needed these services.

Yesterday the world curved in and exposed the elite to conditions the Zimbawean Majority are exposed to everyday.

We walk into those cold corridors with tears on our cheeks day in and day out. It’s a wake up call to all sundry that COVID-19 can humble you and be equal.

They have the money but God has the time where he wants to show you the reality of life. It’s our prayer that this shall come to pass.

Imagine the thousands who perished in 2008 Budiriro and Glen View cholera did the elite visit them in the makeshift tents. Such is life.

Zororo RIP and maybe your family will donate the ventilator to the hospital. MHDSRIEP.