Hospital Owner Spits At Employee Over Facemasks Consignment
27 March 2020
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By A Correspondent- Temptation Mushove Gurure had to take off days after she was called a b**ch and spat at by Dr Vivenki Solanki over a surgical facemasks consignment that had not been delivered in time.

Trauma Centre Borrowdale owner Dr Solanki, in a fit of rage, reportedly spat on an employee before scolding her using unprintable words that left the Harare woman traumatised in the wake of the deadly coronavirus (Covid-19) Thursday.

Some workers who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of victimisation said Gurure was left traumatised as her handbag was also thrown away as Dr Solanki shouted in anger.

Dr Solanki yesterday confirmed saying unprintable words and throwing the worker’s purse away saying he had been angered that there were few surgical masks at the institution. He said he talked with saliva bubbles in the mouth that could have spilt to the woman.

Dr Solanki said Gurure had been caught stealing and selling the masks for US$5 in the streets, a claim he could not sustain by a police report before hanging. 

“She was caught stealing. She was selling the masks for US$5 when they are meant for patients.”

“She was trying to kill people; there is corona out there,” he said before hanging up. Efforts to get him after that were futile as his phone went unanswered the whole day. His wife said Dr Solanki would revert but he never answered calls thereafter.

Gurure said if she had any case against the organisation she had served so loyally, there were disciplinary proceedings as well as the police for the law to take recourse.