Churches Offer Buildings To Govt For Coronavirus Fight
12 April 2020
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By A Correspondent- Some churches are offering their buildings to the government so that they can be used as isolation centres for coronavirus centres.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe is one of the churches that have offered their facilities to the cause. The church’s vice president Pastor Trevor Masuku announced during the launch of the “I am for Bulawayo fighting COVID-19” initiative on Friday that they had already pledged their facilities.

He said:

We met with the President a week ago where we said that churches have huge auditoriums and buildings they are occupying, all over the country, which during this period are not being utilised hence we are availing them for use as isolation centres whenever they are required for use by the Government.

This comes amid plans to turn Hillside Teachers College and Elangeni Training Centre into isolation centres. A few days ago, the Minister of Local Government, Mr July Moyo, directed local government authorities to handover health institutions in their jurisdictions to the Ministry of Health and Child Care so that they can be used in the fight against the pandemic.-StateMedia