Healthcare Workers Top List Of COVID-19+ Cases
10 August 2020
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By A Correspondent- Eleven per cent of Zimbabwe’s coronavirus cases are healthcare workers, the Ministry of Health and Child Care COVID-19 Zimbabwe Situation Report reveals.

The affected health workers include nurses, student nurses, doctors, matrons, laboratory scientists, nurse aides, general hands and pharmacists.

At Mpilo Central and United Bulawayo Hospitals, the two largest centres in Bulawayo, over 100 nurses have contracted the virus. The report by the Health Ministry read:

A significant number of health workers have been infected with Covid-19 and as of July 29, 2020, 11 per cent of the cases were among health care workers with the majority being from the nursing profession.

Nurses and student nurses account for 35,8 per cent and 15,7 per cent of the total cases respectively while doctors account for 5,2 per cent.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA) said nurses are now facing discrimination by family and friends and when using public transport and also when they are shopping in supermarkets.

ZINA president Enock Dongo on Friday said nurses are facing stigmatisation even from landlords and some have been evicted from their lodgings.

There is fear that since nurses deal with patients, they could be carriers of the novel coronavirus.