ANC Loses More Votes To DA
1 June 2024
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South Africa’s National Assembly Election Results.

Johannesburg, South Africa – The latest preliminary results for the South African National Assembly elections have been released, offering a comprehensive view of the current political standings as vote counting progresses.

### Voter Turnout and Validity
– **Voter Turnout**: Details on voter turnout are still being finalized, with early reports suggesting moderate participation.
– **Valid Votes**: The vast majority of votes counted are valid, with minimal reports of spoilt ballots.

### Leading Parties and Vote Distribution

#### **African National Congress (ANC)**
– **Support**: 40.16%
– **Votes**: 6,121,354
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
The ANC continues to lead, though its support has seen a decline compared to previous elections, indicating a possible shift in voter sentiment.

#### **Democratic Alliance (DA)**
– **Support**: 21.7%
– **Votes**: 3,307,258
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
The DA remains the primary opposition party, maintaining a strong presence and a significant share of the vote.

#### **M.K.**
– **Support**: 14.81%
– **Votes**: 2,256,863
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
M.K. has shown substantial growth, establishing itself as a notable force in the political landscape.

#### **Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)**
– **Support**: 9.37%
– **Votes**: 1,427,459
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
The EFF continues to attract a considerable portion of the electorate, advocating for its radical economic policies.

#### **Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)**
– **Support**: 3.96%
– **Votes**: 604,193
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
The IFP maintains a consistent presence, particularly strong in its traditional areas of influence.

#### **Patriotic Alliance (PA)**
– **Support**: 2.03%
– **Votes**: 310,081
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
The PA is emerging as a growing contender, gaining traction in various regions.

#### **Freedom Front Plus (VF PLUS)**
– **Support**: 1.36%
– **Votes**: 207,260
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
VF PLUS continues to appeal to its base, holding steady in its support.

#### **ActionSA**
– **Support**: 1.15%
– **Votes**: 175,931
– **Seats**: Pending final allocation
ActionSA has made a notable impact, securing a modest share of the vote in its initial foray into national politics.

### Other Political Parties
– **African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)**: 0.59% (90,582 votes)
– **United Democratic Movement (UDM)**: 0.49% (74,790 votes)
– **Rise Mzansi**: 0.41% (62,625 votes)
– **Build One South Africa (BOSA)**: 0.4% (61,016 votes)
– **African Transformation Movement (ATM)**: 0.4% (60,775 votes)
– **Aljama**: 0.25% (37,401 votes)
– **Congress of the People (Cope)**: 0.23% (35,540 votes)
– **Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)**: 0.23% (34,600 votes)
– **United African Transformation (UAT)**: 0.22% (33,832 votes)
– **Good**: 0.19% (28,458 votes)
– **#Hope4SA**: 0.17% (26,016 votes)
– **African Movement for Change (AM4C)**: 0.14% (21,304 votes)

### Political Implications
The ANC’s reduced majority indicates a significant shift in South Africa’s political dynamics, with voters increasingly exploring alternative parties. The rise of the DA, M.K., and other smaller parties points to a more fragmented and competitive political environment.

### Public and Political Response
The latest results have sparked considerable discussion among political analysts and the public. There are debates on the implications for future governance and potential coalition formations.

### Conclusion
As the final vote counts are awaited, South Africa stands at a pivotal moment with these elections likely to reshape its political future. The official seat allocations will be crucial in determining the balance of power in the National Assembly. Stay tuned for more updates and in-depth analysis as the complete results are finalized.