About Genius Ginimbi Kadungure The Philanthropist
16 November 2020
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An excerpt from a tribute to Ginimbi

Philip Mataranyika of Nyaradzo…

In his Domboshava community, the number of widows, orphans, disadvantaged and underprivileged that he directly assisted was astounding but unheralded. His commitment towards helping children who were born and bred in circumstances similar to his to attend school more comfortably than he did was a legendary tale told by nobody because he never wanted that written about him.

Why would a man so proud of his achievements hide a side to him when he was considered an exhibitionist – one may wonder? This brings me to a word one would probably never dare use along with the name Genius in the same line and yet it paradoxically fits so well. In spite of his loud exhibition, Genius was also, incredibly, a humble man.

He wanted people to say he was vain because he bought himself the fastest cars, built beauty and opulence and lived on the lap of luxury. He was not prepared to have them say he was vain because he paraded the poor while giving them handouts. To Genius, the poor needed to be assisted away from the glare of the public because benevolence is humble and discreet.

It seems to me like a lot of people knew very little about him but judged him anyway.-Lovemore Megabyte Banda
