Ginimbi Was A Businessman or Just a Busy-Man Engaged in Sophisticated Crime?
18 November 2020
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Ginimbi was a businessman or just a busy man engaged in sophisticated crime?

The man introduced at the funeral (at the weekend) as the late businessesman, Genius Kadungure’s spiritual father, Charles Motondo, is a convicted fraudster who has only just come out of prison, ZimEye can reveal.

Also, one of Ginimbi’s top business mates present at the funeral on Saturday Tazvi Mhaka, is a convicted fraudster who fled UK with GBP 1,2 million, and Ginimbi himself was described as a dealer who was in the business of cigarette smuggling together with Mary Chiwenga and Wanisani “Mahwindo” Mutandwa, the latter who at the weekend announced saying Ginimbi used to steal all the money collected Beitbridge everytime he was sent by the syndicate. She made these announcements on LIVE video during the burial function.

Ginimbi died in a car accident on the 7th November together with Malawi’s most wanted fraudster the latter who fled that country with more than 2 billion local currency money, Limumba Karim, and who was hiding inside Ginimbi’s house. Malawi police were searching for him in South Africa when all this while he was hiding in Domboshawa under Ginimbi’s protection. Where are all those billions now that the two friends are no more? The others who died in the accident were two women, one of them, the Zimbabwean (Moana) Mitchelle Amuli, who even after her departure was criticised by her own father as morally wayward, a party animal.

Who was Ginimbi then, a real businessman or just a busyman, stealing public money?

In the months running up to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s divorce, it was announced that he has all this while Mary Chiwenga’s conduit to smuggling millions of dollars of RBZ money to South Africa on Mary Chiwenga’s behalf.

News analyst, Dissent Bajila narrates as follows:


He was the CEO of Piko Trading Group which owns four companies namely Pioneer Gases, Quick Gases, Rivonia Gases, and City Center Freight. Besides himself, no other board member of any of these companies is known.

Even after his tragic death, none of his companies has released a statement saying anything about the death of the CEO. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, it is very UNUSUAL for multimillion-dollar companies to have no known bureaucracy and to defer an opportunity to publicly mourn their CEO.

Piko Trading Group and all its subsidiaries sell products and services that are wanted by many people in the countries where they are stationed. USUALLY, for such companies to grow fast they need to have top class systems for marketing and customer support. They say “Companies do not advertise because they are big. They are big because they advertise”. The world’s richest oil and gas tycoon is Mukesh Ambani.

His companies do web, gloss, billboard, and other digital forms of marketing. Even Harare-based gas companies like Intergas, BOC Gas, Master Gas Energy, etc have these USUAL attributes of a modern business. However, Piko Trading Group and all its subsidiaries have no website, no officially designated public relations manager, and no network of depots where new and prospective clients can access the product. One wonders how they built and kept a clientele that made the millions. Again, while there is nothing wrong with this, it is very UNUSUAL.

Angitshongo ukuthi ngithini. Phela sekungaze kuthiwe sengithe mina ngingathangani.