Clueless Mnangagwa Puts Blair Toilet On His Official Agenda
3 June 2021
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By A Correspondent- The government of Emmerson Mnangagwa said it has put the issue of Blair toilets on its agenda.

In an interview, with the state media, this week National Housing and Social Amenities Minister Daniel Garwe said he had been tasked by his clueless boss, Emmerson Mnangagwa to look at Blair toilets.

“Government has banned the use of the outdated pit latrines, Blair and open defecation replacing them with a new flushable model which is affordable and suitable for the rural system.

“Unlike the urban flush system which uses nine litres of water the new system only requires two litres for flushing. The new flush system is also cost-effective as it uses existing infrastructure allaying the fears of possible demolitions on the toilets being used,” he said.