WARNING- DISTURBING VIDEO: Netflix Produces Offensive Animation of Jesus Coming Down From The Cross To Gun Down His Persecutors And Bed 2 Women.
5 June 2021
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By Showbiz Correspondent | Described by analysts as highly blasphemous and unnecessary, Season three of Netflix’s animated series Paradise P.D, about inept US cops, features a Jesus who comes down off the cross to shoot his enemies and have sex with bikini-clad women.

After climbing down off the cross and using two machine guns to mow down his enemies, Jesus is approached by two bikini-clad women. The three then disappear from the screen. Sensual sounds clinch the intimation that sex is occurring.

This isn’t the first time Netflix has allowed blasphemy of the likeness of Jesus Christ, writes the US based CitizenGo.

Netflix has taken their freedom of speech too far, portraying Jesus in a lewd and ridiculous manner, and mocking gun owners as paranoid lunatics.

Netflix is only accelerating its outrageously offensive treatment of Jesus Christ. We cannot continue to stand idly by as Jesus is mocked openly on Netflix, the organisation says.

Their report in full states:

Dear Editor.

We all know Netflix was unapologetic in peddling pedophilia when they launched Cuties. Now they are continuing their assault on Christians around the world. This isn’t the first time Netflix has allowed blasphemy of the likeness of Jesus Christ. Their most recent attack on Jesus comes in season three of the animated Paradise P.D.  with an episode that features a video of a gun-wielding Jesus that turns into nothing short of pornography.

The episode of the already disgustingly offensive series, features a scene using Jesus as anti-gun trope to demonstrate how “guns make a better world.” The video is horrifically offensive, with Jesus coming down from the cross to kill his persecutors with machine guns before having sex with two women.

Somehow this scene is only slightly more offensive than the rest of the show. Believe it or not things only get worse from there. Despite this blatant blasphemy, almost no one has taken note. While even tame satirical depictions of Muhammad have garnered massive public outrage, and charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia,” this overt attack on Jesus Christ has gotten no attention from today’s “journalists.”

Netflix has taken their freedom of speech too far, portraying Jesus in a lewd and ridiculous manner, and mocking gun owners as paranoid lunatics.

Netflix is only accelerating its outrageously offensive treatment of Jesus Christ. We cannot continue to stand idly by as Jesus is mocked openly on Netflix.

CitizenGo has since drafted the below petition letter.


Netflix, Pull offensive depictions of Jesus from “Paradise PD”

Dear Reed Hastings, Founder and co-CEO,and Bela Bajaria Vice President, Global TV, Netflix,

I am appalled by your decision to host sickening and offensive depictions of Jesus Christ on your platform. The blasphemous depictions of Jesus in the show Paradise PD S3: E4 are profoundly disrespectful and an egregious affront to the community of more than 2 billion Christians around the world who revere Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Your portrayal of Christ is such a grotesque representation that it is offensive even to those outside of the Christian faith who deny Christ’s deity but revere him as an important historical figure. This includes more than one billion Muslims around the world.

I am deeply disappointed by your blatant disrespect to such a large portion of the global population who find your portrayal of Christ to be blasphemous, disrespectful, and deeply offensive.

It is clear that the intent of this show is to be shocking and distasteful, however you have crossed a line here. This clear mockery of Jesus is completely unnecessary to the plot of the show. My sincere hope is that you will remove these scenes from the episode out of a respect for your fellow humans and our deeply held religious beliefs.[Your Name]. Link to sign the petition.

Meanwhile, a comment from Netflix was awaited at the time of writing.