Jean Gasho Reveals Man Who Healed Her of Suicide
3 January 2022
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The socialite Jean Gashi has revealed the person who assisted in stopping her from committing suicide.

Gasho, mother of 7, yesterday apologised to her young husband and mother in law over a series of outbursts. On Sunday night she moved on to explain what light have happened during the commotion that happened when she eventually lost some of her children to the British social services. Gasho says she had become suicidal.

Writing at the weekend, Gasho speaks glowingly of a motivational speaker who she says rebuked the spirit of suicide. She says:

On the day I posted on Facebook that I wanted to end it all, a very special friend of mine Nicholas J Reynolds, an Entrepreneur, a Motivational Speaker and Photographer, and a very committed Christian reached out to me and prayed for me, rebuking the spirit of suicide in Jesus Christ’s name, reminding me that I was a strong woman with a purpose.

Nick and I were very good friends 7 years ago, for some reason a lot of people wanted me to be married to him, but my heart was set on Nino and Nick was truly just a friend. I met his beautiful parents and they prayed for me during a very difficult time where I was going through a painful divorce and fighting a man of cloth who sexually abused me and his entire church. Nick came to support my charity event, and helped me as everything was going wrong. Some Zimbabweans sabotaged the event and it was Nick who helped me and believed in me and as the day went, against all odds the event was a success, which was graced by the Mayor and Mayoress of Milton Keynes.

My Daddy blessed my charity event and gave a video speech all the way from Zimbabwe, dressed in a suit. ( Video from Papa in comment section)

Nick took photographs for free, and was saddened by how I was duped by a Zimbabwean DJ who charged me so much money when I didn’t even need a DJ.

Nick gave a very encouraging speech, and after my charity event we become very good friends and he taught me photography, and I fell in love with the camera and bought my first camera. He slept at my house a few times, in the spare bedroom, and for a month I worked with him on projects that really changed my life. He also took me to meet famous celebrities.

So today I just want to thank Nick and his beautiful wife (yes he’s happily married ladies) for reaching out to me a few days ago and praying for me the day I thought my life was not worth living for anymore

Nick reminded me of the good old days and told me it wasn’t my time to die…

Thank you Nick, may the good Lord continue to bless you and your marriage.

By the way I will post a video of Nick giving a motivational speech at my event 7 years ago in the comment section…he is a good speaker.

I introduced him, but don’t get it twisted back then I had a strong Zimbabwean accent 😏😎