Prophet Mudzidzi Wimbo’s 1957 Prophecy Of Nelson Chamisa as President?
14 March 2022
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Today is the fourth anniversary of the death of Mudzidzi Wimbo. His most famous prophecy was in 1957 when a group of nationalists led by Joshua Nkomo visited his Gora shrine. He told that among them none of them will lead an Independent Zimbabwe. But the first Leader of an Independent Zimbabwe still in the Diaspora; had the name of the Angel Gabriel.

In his own words, “Nyika ibva muhutongi hwavachena ichienda pamunhu ari kunze kwenyika ane zita reNgirozi Mutumwa Gabriel.

Gabriel achatonga kwenguva refu kwazvo asi achabviswapo nesimba regidi. Gabriel achibva pachazouya mumwe mutongi achatonga kwenguva pfupi icharwadza vazhinji zvikuru kwazvo.

Achazobva pachiiswa mutongi wechidiki chaizvo asati ambotozvarwa achatonga gutsaruzhinji.”

Tell us any other of Mudzidzi Wimbo popular and famous prophecies or any other popular and famous prophecy that has withstood the test of time.

🙏We pray for the quick fulfillment of this prophecy.🙏