2023 Polls: Mnangagwa Can’t Beat President Chamisa
7 June 2022
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Tinashe Sambiri| Zanu PF man Sybeth Musengezi has declared that Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa will lose the 2023 Presidential election because he lacks direction and vision.

Musengezi took a swipe at Mr Mnangagwa for failing to arrest corruption.

“Our current leaders have failed to run the country, they have failed the economy. Corruption is rife and generally people are suffering. On top of that, there is a lot of disgruntlement and factionalism in ZANU PF, so bhora musango is inevitable.

If Chamisa plays his cards well, I foresee him winning the hearts of many in 2023, even among those currently in ZANU PF may vote for him,” declared Musengezi.

Mr Mnangagwa, quoted by a daily paper, conceded Zanu PF has been torn apart by factionalism.

Speaking to Glenview 7 residents last week, he said:

“Here in Harare, there is a lot of factionalism. Masimirembwa is struggling to contain factionalism in the province, and we don’t want that in the party. ZANU PF does not belong to individuals.”